You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
photo credit:
ouzo and out,
all photos courtesy of @twiceuponatime and taken on Vancouver Island, BC Canada
(unless otherwise indicated)fortunately, and unexpectedly, @twiceuponatime did not startle the bison as he photographed them!
which means of course, once again, no animals have been harmed in the making of this post!
Nuff Said
You are probably on of those very rare people who actually could roller skate in a buffalo herd (if you were listening to Bobby McFerrin on your headphones)!
nah.... i inline skate quite a bit before but skate in any herd is definitely not.
I won't even lie, before I reach to the song and listen to it, I was like...
LOL...However, when I listened to the song I saw what you did there ;)
I know, eh? But how can you put the punch line at the beginning?
Lol our mind is a killer and only our mind can decide what can make us happy
... you've put a smile on all of our faces ...
totally WACKO!
Who you calling WACKO? :-)
The King of the Road ....
I can't resist to the rythm of that songs! I can't roller skate in a buffalo herd ( I have to say that here we don't have buffalo/bison herd), but I can shakes my feet dancing :D
You and hubby could learn the song and go on the road :-)
Looks really a great idea! I'm pretty sure I can do it ^_^
Lol can that small fence hold those animals back if they decide to go for a walk??
Being so close to those animals must be a great experience.
Nice shots @onceuponatime ...oups sorry....I mean @twiceuponatime
Those buffalo could go through that fence like a hot knife through butter. I have to admit how much I admire @twiceuponatime's courage in bringing those photos to you, er me, er us.
That is what I thought too...but I had to ask :-)
Well seems like @twiceuponatime is real hero...em I mean you are a real hero @onceuponatime! :-)
Buffaloes are scary I can't be happy skatting in a field of buffalo.😀😀😀
You could if you've a mind to!
A mind I have not lol I'm not Zeus 😀😀😀😀😀
Time to unleash your inner Zeus :-)
Νow we can dance with your wonderful music choice!!! :PPPPP
I hope you invent a new dance: The Buffalo!
mmmm!! this is a challenge!! Give me some time and I will think something about it!! :)))
If you post a video of you doing a "Buffalo" dance, I will be sure to upvote it!
They look tasty!
They go really well with ouzo!
You can't slide through a revolving door.
You can't slide through a revolving door.
You can't slide through a revolving door.
You can't slide through a revolving door.
You can't slide through a revolving door.
But you can be happy if you've a mind to!
Hahaha i like that. Gotta do it!!!.
How are you doing today sir?
Awesome music video buffalo herd ^_^
Not as awesome as you :-)
haha! thankyOu!!
I chose to be happy even if it is buffalo herd and skate down the road coz i am happy...😊
I'm happy for you :-)
What's a glorious song. You punished me via these song. Finally I'm happy
Don't get to happy! People will be disturbed!
Omg...It mean lot :)
hahah!buffalo0 and become happy great sense of humor sir really like it @inceuponatime thanks for sharing! actually you can be happy if you didnt have mind:P
Maybe. I guess I can try losing my mind to see if it makes me happier. Have you tried?
haha!yap i tried and when i get lose my mind i get happy like a child!
a word that has a very deep meaning @onceuponatime, I think, this life is our own set, and we alone can create a happiness, because I think a happiness is not for those who have a lot of money, but the happiness is belongs to everyone. The important thing is that we know how to create that happiness, albeit in a simple way. As the saying goes "money is not everything in this world, but whatever we do all need money". Lol! Thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful day.. :)
I'm not so sure about all that "Money does not bring happiness" propaganda. I find that my money makes me happy LOL
I choose to be happy. To be in charge of my own happiness despite challenges.
That's a great attitude!
You actually can roller skate in a buffalo herd!!
Photo or it didn't happen!
Seems I have to follow your advice and try to be happy for the time being.
Before I get the photo (Or be stumped by angry buffalo).
Buffalo everywhere..... and in the end, you become happy :D
if you've lived a good life :-)
Yeah..... :D
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd... Lol reading it so many times in a row starts sounding weird. Like it's not even a sentence anymore, haha.
Did you listen to the song? It gives it more meaning.
I think I have mind...But not sure lol :)
A mind is a terrible thing to lose!
too many buffaloes...
Almost three many if you ask me! Or, at bare minimum, quite a few.
It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.
Oh well. Next universe you can be in charge :-)
Man your replies just amaze me
YOU CAN'T TRAVEL AROUND WITH THE TIGER IN YOUR CAR I'm waiting for your this post when you travel around with the tiger inin your car 😂 very nice and lively song it made my day ❤️
Well indeed!
It's all we think that matters.
If we want to be happy our mind will let us be happy, but if we think about the sad things our mind makes sad,
Awesome pictures my friend
These pictures are absolutely amazing
I love the nature , I love the green
And so I love this pictures . Thanks for sharing
Is this a song rhyme?
A very unique song @onceuponatime
really so funny
keep it up
just finished listening song.
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
I was scrolling through the page thinking either my computer has started screwing up or this guy has copy and pasted a few too many times. The I got to the video and it all made sense.
Well done. Have a good weekend amigo
that's very helpful post!!
That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way, have a nice day..
Buffalo everywhere Awesome music video buffalo herd ^_^
thanks for sharing this posts
I totally agree with the title of your post. You have the right choice of photo.I am using your photo as my PC walpapers.
from now one when I see a buffalo, I guess i think about this post... love the disclaimers , lol..
MAybe you should also consider to check your witness votes.. there are some which are not active anymore.. you can check it on:
Have a great day
It is in our mind that makes us happy
and the way that we get to live by it depends on us.
All the things that we do are for the happiness of ours in our life.
@twiceuponatime did took the images very nicely.
It's great thinking and lot meanings indeed gorgeous song. Buffalo's everywhere with ton sizes..
Wanna ready for the dancing :) :) :)
I am set for happiness. I have always been.
i like your photography man. It has this natural filter. Nice
What a fantastic song ?
Awesome photography too. Buffaloes are glorious.
"You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd"
I can't tell more and more above sentence. Meaning lot but never do only hear noises.
is that true..
I really like this post
Thanks for your post
I want to see buffalo doing dance :p
enjoyed the music.
Hahaha that's really funny!!!
hahah!buffalo0 and become happy great sense of humor sir really like it @inceuponatime Thanks
But you can be happy if you've a mind to. Ya can't take a shower in a parakeet cage. Ya can't take a shower in a parakeet cage.
Thanks, but I heard the song already :-)
About the song
Words of wisdom! I loved this song when I was growing up~I used to rollerskate to it all the time! Lol
Buffaloes are scary I can't be happy skatting in a field of buffalo.😀