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RE: Forget KYC... Make sure you KYE (Know Your Exchange)... Big Brother is watching your Bitcoin

in #funny7 years ago

I can't wait for decentralized exchanges but they will probably outlaw those for not adhering to KYC standards.


How about shapeshift? Isn't that more of what we want? I haven't used it yet,but from what I understand, it converts things in a very short time and sends you the coins you converted to.

Seems like thats all we would ever really need.

No, no, shapeshift is very centralized. I believe it is simple one 'person' with multiple wallets that hold a great deal of cryptocurrency. When you deposit your crypto, shapeshift sends you the crypto of choice from their own wallet. In essence all the crypto is stored on shapeshift and is thereby very centralized.

That being said though, it's a great service.

I think the issues come when trying to withdraw fiat to your bank, rather than crypto to crypto transactions... for now anyway. works great. I've used it a time or two to try it out. It's the only decentralized exchange I'm aware of besides bitshares, but bisq(formerly bitsquare) has many coins and many ways to receive payment.