You aren’t having a bad day until you are sure your situation belongs on this list of bad days.
I hope you feel better now and realize your day isn’t actually so bad!
¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Follow me @penguinpablo for more fun!
You aren’t having a bad day until you are sure your situation belongs on this list of bad days.
I hope you feel better now and realize your day isn’t actually so bad!
¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Follow me @penguinpablo for more fun!
I liked the keys on the doorknob. Couldn't stop laughing.
Well you made me laugh. Cheers
so what happened to the guy that was in the flood area with the crocodile?
My girlfriend and I were laying in the grass kissing years ago when I opened my eyes and noticed my little poodle lifting his leg and relieving himself on her. It happens.