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RE: How (and Why) to Write Satire

in #funny6 years ago

The whole article was fascinating and well-written, but you got me on this gem of a comment even more so.

invest in their insults

Indeed. If people invested more in nearly everything we said, perhaps we would take more time to invest in listening to the "other" side, as well.




Words are containers of ideas, ideals and insights. Well-organized words necessarily reflect well-organized thoughts. By encouraging the former, you encourage the latter.

Some of the things that are being asserted ... in our universities no less ... border upon the insane. What happened to "evidence of assertion?" That's what the Enlightenment was all about:

"Hey guys, let's stop burning each other at the stake and only make laws, forcing behavioral compliance, based upon "Truths" that we can actually prove. And because 'proof' itself can be subjective, we'll subject all 'Truth Claims' to the crucible of 'peer review' in an effort to separate the wheat from the chaff."

We are backsliding.
