Yesterday I was walking in the yard when I came upon a nice sized fox snake( aka pine snake) . When he seen me he tried to slither away as fast as he could, but I cornered him by the side of the house. Well if you know fox snakes they can be pretty ferocious . He coiled up and started striking @ me and spiting and hissing. He was one angry son of a gun! So I got to thinking if I am gonna catch catch this angry critter I am gonna have to come up with a plan. And then it hit me why not give him a taste of his own medicine ! So I made this face @ him! I couldn't believe what I saw next , he got so scared he jumped clean out of his skin!!! [IMG_20170714_195648.jpg] (
) So the next time you get a mean snake on your property I suggest trying this method! I am @provider and keep on enjoying Gods beautiful playground! Oh and by the way the snake skin and t- shirt are gifts from my beloved brother @papa-pepper, without him I could not make this post . Thanks bro!
Resteemed so others can enjoy this also. I wish you had made that face at Flash before his buddies got ahold of us Bo.
Thanks Luke , them hounds was on us so fast , I didn't even have time to think !
I thought that skin looked familiar! Nice one! Very funny!
Thanks @papa-pepper, I thought you would like it. When I showed it to Mrs K she laughed so hard!
Liked the post! Very creative :-) Upvoted
Thank you @cscunlimited!
Good Post!
Thanks for sharing.@provider
Thanks @qagiri !