
OMG 😲 hilarious 😂. I do not understand why these adds are banned.
People should praise can pops up from any where... like the IKea add..😆 The kid got the latest toy...Elon Musk’s rocket 🚀 😆😂

Haha yeah, censorship needs to chill!

Very nice post

Thanks for the support buddy :)

Thanks for informing about this adverts as I never know about this.

Thanks for the support mate :)

Sweet upvote and back

Good one bro :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks buddy :)

sensor can you on posting steemit ...

haha yeah! I hope so

edited ...
sensor can ban your post on steemit.
if they seeeeee

Why? Everything is proper in this post!

just a joke buddy ....

very funny content........

Thanks for the support bro!