Do you like horses?

in #funny8 years ago

I can tell you some funny thing from my life.

When I was chatting with my old friend and after a few hours, when I admitted, that I have a boyfriend he got so angry.
I really didn't knew why, I wasn't talking with him long time.

After some more hours he tried to interested me somehow. Told me he will be good for me, how much he like me, how good work he have bla, bla...

And next day I got this:

😂😂😂Hmm. I dont really know what I should think about this. 😂😂😂

P.S He was waiting for my answer


Ehm, I think this picture has a whole different meaning. Gosh, I'm sorry for that human beeing that must be so needy.

Actually, I understood it... the ​bad way I guess. :D

sure , horses are beautiful. nice photo.