A typical Minnow conversation on steemit.chat & a sign of things to come?

in #funny8 years ago

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As grateful as I am that he watched my tutorial video I find his message slightly out of place on the private message service of steemit.chat and he is one of a growing number of desperate Minnows using this message service as a way of getting noticed.

PLEASE don't use this message service to post promote your work !

In truth I quite enjoyed this particular exchange with @blueheaven as you can see and he didn't take up too much of my time, respected my comment that I was busy and didn't push me too hard for that upvote he was seeking!

I get around 10 such messages every day now and others are far less cordial than this chap.

What does this mean for the future?

Well, one thing is for sure... life is going to get busier!

Is there a solution?

Not that I know of. All suggestions welcome!

I have received 3 more private messages in steemit.chat from people who don't know me in the time it has taken me to write this post!

Blessings to you all.

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I understand it is annoying as you get many requests. I was one of those minnows who sent you a private message and asked for an exchange of votes.

It is bad out there, minnows are worried they are not making enough money. They are confused, and then they see and read posts about how some guy made thousands of dollars in a year, or more so they read a post by The Dollar Vigilante whose first ever post on Steemit earned about 15K USD.

Minnows being minnows get excited and ignore the fact that these big guys were minnows once and they have had work hard to reach this level of success. I know a Steemian who has been working for about 20 hours a day for the most part of the year, and he has made close to a hundred thousand dollars.

It’s chaos out there, and everything is fair in marketing our posts and love.

Anyways, I did love your video about how to earn Upvotes using Steemit.Chat, there’s a very thin line separating your method of getting Upvotes and the direct message method.

hehe. good :)
vote my blog and follow me too please, thx :)

I don't know if I'm imagining this, but there seems to be an extra dose of desperation in these "follow me, upvote me" pleas in the last week or so. People get all hyped up, then they see "the reality" and the "injustice of whale power" and go all berserk.

I agree, and there is also a rise in posts that speak of how whales are eating away all the Steem and giving out pennies to minnows.

Yes, I saw plenty of those. But minnows aren't supposed to make money, they are here to work on their craft and learn how to be dolphins, but that's a tough pill to swallow for people.

LOL if not in steemit chat, you can see it right in the first comment on your post.
my suggestion is to ignore those private message in steemit chat, it sound harsh but an author with high rep, you will get more and more as you said. 😃

Very annoying, I got these as well...this shameless behavior is slowly but surely destroying the atmosphere on the platform...

minnows are excited and asking for upvotes thinking is something like a like on Facebook...

It's happening a lot and I deal with this in one of two ways, depending on my mood:

  1. I tell them a private chat is no place to self-promote, especially not in the way they are doing.
  2. I ignore them.

Okay and sometimes I am a bit less civilized and basically yell at them, because I'm tired of the lack of basic human decency.

fun time steemitchathaha @samstonehill I know this guy from somewhere :D I posted about my chat experience with ..... and had a little fun :)

I think it could be because post promotions in the proper channel rarely works now (due to the fast turnover rate) that they think it's better to do a door-to-door promotion. On the upside, at least he wasn't pushy :)

Well, of course you're a "senior statesman" and active community member on Steemit, so you "know things." That much is clear, just off the top.

Of more significant concern is the fact that more and more of the new members we see are part of the "Make Money Clicking Buttons Online!" crowd. Steemit is just now starting to get known in the "make money online" circles and we are just on the leading edge of a huge influx of "more of the above."

Based on experience, what's "problematic" about this crowd is that their perception of Steemit is purely that it's a "free cash machine." We could be creating virtual kitten whiskers, selling tacos, growing weed or be a social content site... and their objective would be no different: "What do I have to do to collect 1/4 cent for taking some action?"

Problematic, Part II, is that they don't give a rodent's rear end about "content," they just want the money... AND they will resort to any "formula" or "gaming the system" to extract money from aforesaid "free cash machine."

If I sound cynical and/or jaded... it's only from experience. Every content-for-rewards site I have been part of since 1999 has faced this same issue, and all but TWO (both of which instituted "professional journalism rules") ended up failing, because of this very issue.

We do have a (limited) "secret weapon" here in that there's no "cashing out to PayPal every time you have $1 of rewards." and that might be the only thing that saves us...

I know Steemit is all about "freedom," but freedom requires intelligence and morals/ethics to manage appropriately "for the benefit of all." A swarm of locusts have none of the above... and they only care about "what can I get TODAY" not the long term well being of the community.