FUN FRIDAY: The rare bird that only performs for Steemit!

in #funny8 years ago

steemit duck

They thought this bird was extinct but he has come out of hibernation for his first performance in over 10 years.

He was a bit rusty this morning after his big sleep - he didn't even want to dance. When we told him about Steemit, his little wings started flapping with excitement. The strange discovery is, he only performs when we talk about Steemit?!?

Let's see him in action....

Isn't he awesome. Who needs an Xbox when you have toys like these.

Never grow up!

No animals were harmed in the making of this video

QUACK QUACK Steemit. Have a good weekend.

Thanks to @jason for his help.

#toys #duck #steemit #never-grow-up


Who yells STEEMIT :D?

I did - STEEMIT!

Which program did you use to record that ?

Its my real voice.
I sound like that all the time!
Recorded using DMC-FZ38

such a professional voice ;o

im waiting for the steemit song or poem

Would not want to wake up to this creature screaming in my ears.

The duck or @jason!



how much SBD for this duck?

Very rare duck - sorry, he is not for sale!