"Honey. How many arms and hands do you have?"
"I have two arms and two hands."

"I see. And are you able to shave your legs with your feet?"
"Ummm?? Nooooo. Why?"
"Well I'm just wondering then why you have 6 shaving razors in the shower?"
"Well. I use one on my legs and one on my armpits."
"But...But... That doesn't even make sense. That's 6 razors for two body parts. I mean, how could you even know which razor on the rack goes with what body part? It just doesn't make any sense."
"I... have.. a system."
"Well I should probably tell you that every time I shower, I knock at least 3 razors off the hooks because they are just dangling there all over the place. Then after picking them up off the shower floor, I put them back up randomly wherever they fit. So even if you have a system to determine which razor is where, the razors are still random because they are never put back where you think they should be put back."
"EEEERRRRRRRGGGGGGG!!!! You make me crazy!!!
You make me fucking crazy!
ROFL.. I'm speechless @sassypuffin... I can't stop laughing, what a joke!