I swear, some people on Steemit act like their vote costs them money or something. They feel the need to make a comment on your post, telling you how great it is, yet they're so cheap that they wont upvote it. I mean maybe for them it does cost them money - they want to save every last fraction of a SBD for their own upvote.
This isn't about entitlement either. I'm not asking for votes if you don't enjoy my post. If you don't like a post then that's fine -don't upvote it. Or better yet, tell the person why you disagree.
But don't tell people how great their posts are and then not upvote them - that's just stupid and people can see you coming from miles away.
But seriously, what is the deal with commenting on someones post and not upvoting it?
Its clear that they are just looking for a the original poster to upvote their comment, or they want to upvote their own comment which is even more pathetic.
You got SPUNK, kiddo!
hahaha thanks :)
Time to step up and become the blockchain big boy.
I don't even know what this means...but I like it.
Also, I took a look at your blog and I like it. I'll be your steemit friend. Followed