Does Honey Help Boost Testosterone?

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

What is honey? 🍯
Answer: Nectar and pollen; aka plant sperm.

Which explains why it's so delicious. 😋


The benefit of honey positively influencing testosterone levels comes from two important components:

  • Boron
  • Chrysin

Both serve to block the conversion of testosterone into estrogen(!)

In an Italian study, after 21 days the increase in testosterone wasn't any higher; but an increase in testosterone was detected earlier on in the study.

Equilibrium was apparently reached in the body after 'some' amount of time...

Until further studies are done, we can't know the optimal parameters for 'dosing' with honey...

So here's what I'm doing:

I'm lifting weights with a three day split - three days of heavy lifting then one day off.

On the second day of weight training I'll eat two tablespoons of honey, morning and night. Doing this for 3 days, I'll then go off honey for 5 days, then resume.

Testosterone hastens muscle recovery, ie the rebuilding of broken down muscle tissue. This schedule will allow for the beneficial effects of increased testosterone in growth and repair every other 3 day workout cycle.

Assuming this schedule provides any actual benefit...

I'll give it a go, and report whether I feel any better from one workout cycle to the next!

Here's what a tablespoon of plant sperm honey looks like:


It's really yummy, and I feel curiously 'charged up' after eating it 🙂

Hopefully I'll find a difference in recovery times in half of my workouts!

So there it is:

Honey does increase testosterone levels by mitigating its breakdown into estrogen, but only for short periods of time before losing its effect.

Stay tuned for more research findings on how to increase your testosterone with diet and supplements!

@scan0017 😘


Honey is one of the most amazing substances a human can eat. It was called Food of the Gods in many ancient cultures. Liquid gold is another name given to it. Pure honey without additives doesn't go off (like ever). It has a long list of health benefits. And it is made by bees, communities with highly sophisticated social structure and communication systems. The buzzing of the bees is very similar to yogic bramari breathing (producing a sound on exhales with mouth closed by vibrations at the back of the throat). It's like eating food prepared by a monk who chants his whole life😉I think of honey as concentrated sunshine as pollen is produced by converting energy of the Sun. But if plant sperm works for you @scan0017 go with that 😜

Awesome comment, cheers mate 🤝
'Food of the Gods' vs 'Plant Sperm' 🤔

'What is honey? 🍯
Answer: Nectar and pollen; aka plant sperm'


I'll NEVER eat honey again!! 😓

Here's what a tablespoon of -plant sperm- honey looks like

Now, you just HAD to ruin honey for me...

Yes, yes, it's ok!
Just think of it from now on as 'Food of the Gods!'
(Thanks @cryptasana!)

I have a friend in Michigan who is an expert as well as a collector of honey. He says for optimum health effects you should eat honey that comes from near where you live... I guess the closer the better. He had honey from all over the world. He had this stuff from Ireland it was difficult to believe it was even honey! It was black (looked like roof tar) and really bitter. The best I ever tasted was from western Michigan where there are lots of apple and cherry trees... He used to buy 5 gal buckets and I traded veggies from my organic garden.

That's really cool Rich!
I'll keep that in mind at the next farmers market, buy local ✅
Interesting side note, James Hetfield of Metallica has beekeeping as one of his hobbies!

Wow! That sheds a whole new light on him... interesting! I have friends here where I live that do it. When I ran the cemeteries we'd run into swarms so I'd call Dave and he'd come and relocate them. I'm afraid for our bee population, it's dwindling rapidly!!!

Indeed it is...
Great podcast with James Hetfield discussing his hobby; fun conversation between he and Joe Rogan on iTunes in
Joe Rogan podcast #887, date of 12/16/16
if you'd like to hear it 🙂

I'd like to hear it... Never a big Metallica fan but I like James guitar work!

man i love honey!![1522931067190801687158.jpg](

😂😂😂looks weird when you call it plant sperm but looks delicious when you adress it with Honey 😋🍯 stay healthy, eat honey
indeed honey has other benefits as well, it helps you to reduce weight as well...

I like hunny.its great food.
Human body very helpful. I appreciate your valuable post.
I support your challenge.

Great funny post.
I appreciate your blog

Very nice funny
I like it this health, I appreciate your blog. thanks for sharing this science...........

Yes, I knew honey does improve testosterone levels but I didn't quite know how. I do take it here but unfortunately it's difficult to know the real thing from all the mix up we now have in the market.

Love some raw honey! Looks like somebody buys from Aldi as well. Great place!

Awww yeah!


Dude, me too.
Whatever the results in June I'm thinking about looking into hormonal 'biosimilars' next...
TRT will always be available; checking out the alternatives while I'm still young is fascinating.