Shayne ZAP - 20180429t200321919z

in #funny7 years ago

Or, you know, we could ban murder or something. Because then nobody would be able to kill anyone.

Because, like, it would be illegal.


Because, like, banning things ALWAYS WORKS.

┌∩┐╭˵ಥ o ಥ˵╮┌∩┐

#funny #news #pope #zappl


"Because, like, banning things ALWAYS WORKS. " - it worked with slavery in the USA pretty good ... You realize you made the same argument you were criticising? -saying "Banning things never works" is just as stupid.

Lucky for me: I didn't make that argument. 🤗

FYI: there's a bigger global slave trade today than when the US had legal slavery. 👍🏻

Dear Sir,

You appear to have gotten lost in your own sarcasm.

Also if you didn't make that argument (which I believe you did sarcastically) - then by negation, you think banning things does work and thus you're agreeing with the Pope...

You also tried to defend the argument (the one you dinied making in the first place) with a second, argument.

I disagree with you that trying to argue a ban on slaves in America was a pointless thing to do because there's more slaves elsewhere now.

"We won't ban slaves here because they'll still exist somewhere else therefore we shouldn't bother placing a ban on slavery."

If slavery wasn't banned in America you'd have even more slaves.

God bless you.

Congratulations on being a dumbshit who takes a joke so seriously you edit some stupid long-as-hell reply five times and I don't even read it but I do mute you because I don't tolerate fools who call people names. Have a nice life.

How can I have a nice life without you? :'(

I am LITERALLY astounded by the stupidity in this comment and the vicious nature of it.

WHO THE FUCK CARES? JESUS FUCKING A CHRIST are you a fucking snowflake?
You must have a OCD issue with Shayne or something. Sorry for whatever is wrong with you but your comments on Shayne's post were so FUCKING RUDE, I had to jump in and point it out. YOU are a perfect example of someone Trolling the Tubes looking for something to be Offended by... HOLY FUCKING SHIT!


I agree with you that being rude is always a bad thing. I fixed the original post to be more polite. I apologise.
May the lord shine his light on you and may Jesus bless you.

Thank you for your apology... but,

I agree with you that being rude is always a bad thing.

Where the FUCK did you get this idea? You see... THIS is your issue!!!
You're ASSUMING WAY TOO MUCH. @shayne made a JOKE!

You should either just LOL or delete your Misunderstanding and move on...
I have.



See... now this makes more sense.
That’s the spirit AssHole!
Now get lost 😈🥓

And lets cut off everyone's hands and feet, because these too are deadly weapons.

Let's ban cars.A lot of people are getting killed by them

Yes. And water, too. Lots of people drown. And aging. And disease.

You know what? We should just ban dying altogether, because then nobody would ever die.

Don't forget about the air.Every man who have ever breathed have died

How could I forget?! 😱

We've got more than enough weapons to kill everyone. We need to reduce the need for conflict


Let us build a wall around the Vatican, City of London and DC and then we will have placed inside a prison 95% of the people who are the cause and backing of all the major wars.


Go Chump! Build that wall!

Hahaha... Ban ALL weapons. Does that include sticks, rope, and fire? Because those three alone have probably killed a lot of people since they were first used as weapons.

Who gave the Pope a Twitter?

I'll bet he's never actually logged on himself.