Which bar would you grab?

in #funny9 years ago

Silver? OR Chocolate?
I have seen Mark do this dozens of times and nobody has grabbed the gold coin, or silver bar.

I won't ruin the ending for you...

There is one where he goes in and sells the silver after he could not give it away.


Knowing what I know now, I would definitely pick the silver. Citizens of many countries know that gold and silver is money but it's strange how the American media has convince their citizens that precious metals are worthless.

Just means more available for me.

Mark Dice is awesome!

Amazes me how dumb people is, so sad.

Always shocked when i rewatch this video. Silver bar with a coin shop across the street. "But i want chocolate"!

It seems like hes shining the silver in their eyes when offering it. Pavlovian response maybe?

what can I say ? sigh....