Fact Checking Fact Checking Websites.

in #funny5 years ago (edited)

President Macron says France is at war with Covid-19. So we can expect France to surrender very shortly then. Yes I'm having a pop at the French again, again. I can't help it. I think it might be a form of Tourettes. Like my penis and toilet, lowest common denominator, nonsense. I was going to do an hilarious facts blog, but the facts would upset far too many people. I'd most likely be barred from every social media platform for posting facts. People don't like facts you see. Facts hurt feelings, because they don't give a fuck how you feel. Lies care about your emotional need to maintain comfortable delusions. Then I thought about fact checking the fact checking websites like Snopes. It would take too long to correct them though. Every fact checking site is made up of subjective opinions as far as I can tell. I did download the NewsGuard App/Extension thinking that might help in my search or the facts. Boy do I feel stupid now. First "news" site I had it check has had two contradictory articles in the same month. The first one categorically stating there are no biological differences between males and females. That's right, gender is a social construct. Only less than week later they published a diatribe against pharmaceutical companies and medical practitioners for not taking enough notice of the biological differences between males and females. The weird thing is both these contradictory articles are equally false in their premises. No wonder everyone is panicking about Covid-19. NewsGuard gives them across the board clearance as a reliable source of information. Of course it does.

(The copyright to this image is the property of newsguardtech.com.)

I'm going to have to be very careful. I nearly wrote an unpalatable fact then. I found a website that's got hundreds of them. Most of these facts and statistics are very politically incorrect. They contradict the fallacies of the left you see. Some of them do contradict the fallacies of the right to, but you're allowed to put them in a blog or social media post. It's okay to point out that lie but not these other ones. The things is I have to be very honest here. It's not the internet's fault. This preference for nice lies we like has existed throughout my life. The internet only makes the lies faster and more powerful.

I must avoid facts at all cost. I'm going to write that out a hundred times later. People are dumb as fuck aren't they. No question mark there. It's a statement of fact I can probably get away with because it applies to almost everyone. I've been watching a video explaining the coronavirus for the hard of thinking population. Then, knowing I would be mining pure gold, I looked at the comments. Most of which showed they either hadn't watched the video or didn't understand what it said. It's unbelievable, for the average dumb fucker that society consists of. I find no difficulty believing it. As the morons prove again and again that you can never overestimate how stupid people are.

The video explained that those under 29 are at the least risk. The chances of them contracting the virus are low and the likelihood of serious harm or death is almost vanishingly small. Yet hundreds of young people posted that though their schools are still open they wouldn't be going. A lot of them were remaining indoors until the crisis was over. Meanwhile old farts like me, who are at serious risk, will take few precautions, but generally carry on as normal. Leading me to the conclusion that should war break out between millenials and boomers, then the millenials are fucked.

I'm just now imagining a Saving Private Ryan remake for the millennial generation. All those landing craft approaching Omaha Beach. The front dropping down and all the soldiers standing there refusing to get out, because they might catch a chill when they get their feet wet. Demanding to know where the nearest safe space is. Leading to the conclusion the human race will not end with a bang, but a pathetic whimper. I grew up among the generation that fought and died for freedom. I'm going to die among a generation that's too frightened to set foot outside their front door.