Source- ~~~ embed:TrollXChromosomes/comments/7gysb3/mrw_im_being_polite_to_the_insurance_adjuster/?st=jcsaz8tx&sh=13c22e77 reddit metadata:fFRyb2xsWENocm9tb3NvbWVzfGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9Ucm9sbFhDaHJvbW9zb21lcy9jb21tZW50cy83Z3lzYjMvbXJ3X2ltX2JlaW5nX3BvbGl0ZV90b190aGVfaW5zdXJhbmNlX2FkanVzdGVyLz9zdD1qY3Nhejh0eCZzaD0xM2MyMmU3N3w= ~~~
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