Are you being paid to mention
The Vader Intergalactic Golf Club
Good luck getting the rebel scum to pay for anything. They can't even dress well. Scruffy nerf herders.
Are you being paid to mention
Good luck getting the rebel scum to pay for anything. They can't even dress well. Scruffy nerf herders.
This is Vera, in addition to being the bee's knees, I am Lord Vader's assistant. His funds are currently tied up trying to clean up the mistakes of his boss. On behalf of the Empire, thank you for your comment.
thanks for all you do, Vera! the empire thanks you!
Pleased to meet you Vera. You are very lucky to have such an amazing boss
I'm happy that Lord Vader has a dedicated assistant.
Are you suggesting that I would make money off of my position in the Empire? That is ridiculous. What kind of tool would do that?
How long a list do you want?
Hmmmmm you really have a point there @steevc