HAHAHA! I hope people stared!
Do you have a hairbrush and/or hair tie graveyard as well?
It is truly a problem. It is kind of worth it, but sometimes, you consider grabbing the kitchen shears and just going full-on-unsupervised- toddler on the shit.
But then you have a good hair day and the cycle of love-hate starts again!
I am lucky in that my hair is stick straight and does not eat hairbrushes (however, it won't hold a curl for love nor money. I don't know what else to sacrifice to the hair gods to get it to curl)
My hair tie graveyard is filled with the hapless corpses of "ties designed for thick hair". Liiiiiiiiiies.
I actually own a pair of hair shears. Which is actually a terrible idea because I have attacked my own hair a couple of times with them. And then did the walk of shame into a hairdresser, who struggles to maintain her professionalism while I explain "why yes, I did do this to myself. Please fix me"