Scientist Einstein's fun facts in his life
From the twentieth century to the present, a large scientist like him did not appear. Newton's theory of physics and aerospace science changes radically and develops modern thinking, he is Sir Albert Einstein. Modern science has progressed through his thinking, he is still the guide to all the scientists of the world. Einstein presented his complex theories with many fun facts. Similarly, see today's science report on all the fun facts
As soon as you know is wrong? Einstein thinks of his misconception? In 1935, he was asked at Princeton University, "What do you need for study and research?" Einstein said, "A desk, some paper and a pencil. With a big dustbins, where I will put all my mistakes or forgotten papers! '
One colleague Einstein once asked for his telephone number. Then Einstein discovered a telephone book and began to find his number in the book. Then the colleague said, 'What is the matter, do not you remember your telephone number?' Einstein said, 'No. What does he need? Why do you spend your brain memorizing the information you get in the book? '
I think Einstein was the husband of the wife? His wife was asked once, 'Can you understand the theory of Einstein's theory?' He replied, 'No, but I understand my husband. I know, he can be trusted. '
Once Queen of Belgium invited Einstein to visit his country. On certain days, the car fleet appeared on the railway station to take Einstein to the royal palace. But where? Einstein was not found at the railway station. He went back to the palace of the car. After a while, Einstein, the scientist appeared in the palace to play the violin in style. The queen was ashamed of it. Immediately apologizing and said that the car was rushed to the railway station to bring the scientist. But he did not get back. Einstein said, "I have avoided the car. And I came to play the violin on foot. If you used to come in that royal car, could I play violin like this? Einstein could have seen the city like ordinary people? "It was such a simple and simple scientist Einstein. Such a great scientist, though, was not so proud.
Einstein was simple enough to understand his other interesting case. He was famous and controversial by discovering the theory of relativity. To tell the truth, scientists-unbelievers could not catch the antennae of someone's brain. He used to go to different seminars, lecture to explain his inventive theories in the university. In almost all seminars, he used to discuss the same kind. He has been invited once in a seminar, for giving lectures. In the meantime, he was astonished by his driver and said, "Sir, I have listened to your lectures and I have lost my face." Today, for a day, I want to speak at the seminar at Einstein. "Funny people also think of Einstein. He agreed one thing. lets see, what happens? So, the driver went to the event at the event of Einstein and became the driver of the Einstein spectators himself. Then the media was not so much royalty. So nobody could understand. Einstein said the driver spoke on the stage and spoke excellent. Einstein was fascinated by the audience in the row. He turned his hand over and over again. At the end of the ceremony, one of the attendees approached the driver of Einstein and said, "I love your speech. But what I know, I did not understand this and such and such things. Would you please explain to me the facts? "Einstein's driver did not just bother to answer," Oh! This is the matter? It can be explained by my driver. Let's go to him.
Einstein's daughter married. Everyone was going to church. In the meantime he told his daughter to go to the church and I left my pen in the lab. Although the girl did a lot of pain, she went, talking about 30 minutes, when she did not come, then all got married to his daughter. After 7 days, when her daughter came to her house and asked her father where her mother said that she did not come. Then he went to the lab to find Einstein. He went to the lab and saw that his father was thinking of going to the front of the board with a pen. What did the dad do to Dad? Then he said that you go to the church and that I have finished this work within 10 minutes.
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of the twentieth century and one of the greatest talents of all time. He is most known to us for the discovery of the theory of relativity. Interestingly, he did not receive the Nobel Prize for his discovery. It is said that only a few scientists in the world can understand this theory. If someone reads the theory of relativity, "understand", then it must be understood that he did not understand anything. The theory is so complicated that it is normal to not feel normal, to understand that it is abnormal. And so could not explain the secret meaning of the theory of the Royal Swedish Academy's jury board Einstein. So the Nobel Prize winner of that year, Einstein did not have the forehead, but in 1921 the Photo Electric Effect explains, he found in physics.
Before going to work, she often asked Einstein to go after wearing a good dress. Most of the time, he would reply, 'Why should I do this? Everyone there knew me there. "When Einstein's first major discussion came at the meeting, he began to insist on going to a nice dress and then to go there, his wife. He replied, 'Why do I do this?' Nobody here knows me. '
There are rumors, beautiful actress Marilyn Monroe was weak on Einstein. So one day Manoos proposed to marry Einstein, "Come on, do we get married?" Then our children will be the best children in the world of beauty and knowledge. They look like you and look like you. "Einstein immediately said," And if it's the opposite? " Do you look like my mind and intellect? '' I did not know what Mano said in the end, but I did not know much about it.
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