Hilarious. There are a few solid ICOs, but in the short term most ICOs simply inflate the money supply reducing the value of Ether unfortunately.
Hilarious. There are a few solid ICOs, but in the short term most ICOs simply inflate the money supply reducing the value of Ether unfortunately.
They also put a downward pressure on the price, because companies that hold ICOs can't pay rent or utilities in Ether.
Exactly, also they are selling lots of raised crypto to fiat in order to sustain development at least for several years (it's openly declared in terms of lots of them), which started this downward trend.
Я ровно это имел в виду by "put a downward pressure on the price."
True Flip {ICO} - Already running a transparent blockchain lottery! Bomb! Bonus 20%! Hurry! :)

The platform is already working and making a profit :)
Is it like the one in my pic?)