So, my kids are getting older and as a mom I'm starting to think about how to have the birds and the bees talk with them. How do I go about broaching the subject? How do I scare them so they don't have sex too early? I know it will eventually happen but I worry. Well, tonight as I was browsing on the internet, a bright idea came to me. I'm gonna get a pet....a big horny dog to teach my kids (especially my girls) what can happen.
Some of the best teaching moments are when crap happens in life
beats pulling a condom over a banana
Why waste a perfectly good banana and condom?
I am just going to throw this out there and let you on a little secret.

Snapchat filter is a lie. This is the reality
Aaah, the truth is finally out.
Hahahahah LOL
hahaha this is very cool@take5