One thing about being in the public eye is that it forces you to develop a thick skin very quickly. We get our fair share of mean comments and that's accentuated by the fact that we're not afraid to cover controversial topics. Of course, not a single mean comment has come from Steem. No surprise there.
In today's video, we react and respond to a few of the downright mean comments we've received. People can be vile, especially online. We've learned to take their comments with a grain of salt and a few shots of tequila. Hope you enjoy :)
Watch the full video below:
We use this action cam to shoot our videos.
20 Questions with TangerineTravels. Check out @wadepaterson's

(and Laska the Siberian Husky) @sharingeverybite (Maddie) @shenanigator (Jordan)

hello friends, it's a pleasure for me to comment, I saw them a few days ago in a video where they made a game of words, and I'm very interested, because I speak Spanish and I'm learning English. I say the opposite of you, I hope that in Mexico they have already learned a lot that was great, because now I see this video and I congratulate you also that they make an incredible couple are in line with what they do full of humor, and with respect to today's topic, many people discriminate when we are in strange countries, but this is the life we will not get to be gold coins for all, the important thing is to go ahead and smile even from the bad .. a pleasure to Jordan and mary, greetings from venezuela. @ wenydth16
Thanks for your wonderful comment. We've had a lot of people tell us that they're learning English by watching our videos. We provide subtitles for all of our videos to help you out if you're also trying to use our videos to learn the language.
We really appreciate you watching and commenting. Thank You!!!
Tt is a pleasure for me, that you answer me, have a nice day my friends, Well, I know some English , the wrinting and grammar, but not speaking very well for the lack of practice here in venezuela, you know my native languague is spanish , I think that the best way to learn some lenguague is to be to a country who speak it, in orden to practice a lot, if you go to the supermarket you must speak it because you need it,that is, you are forced to speak you must practice the spanish in mexico. I am going to follow you because I enjoy and learn the way you have your live.. a lot of luck.... kisses..!
Flagged for not linking back to anything Steem related in your Youtube description.
Sorry if you did in your video, (didn't watch all of it)
I think we're the last ones who should be flagged for not promoting Steem.
The flag wasn't related to your previous promotion or not of Steem.
I thought you were flagging because we weren't promoting Steem in our YouTube description.
But I was mistaken, as I found out in private messaging with you, you wanted that in the description because that's how you determine whether or not someone else's content is being used. That's understandable.
We do have links to our Steemit page on our YouTube profile page to prove that it's our channel.
You're not mistaken.
For about 800USD in reward it seems like could could slide this in between all of the amazon referral and stuff.
Putting something in the YouTube description is practically worthless for promotion. It only does any good if you’re putting it there AND talking about it in the video.
We had an Airbnb link there for a few months and not a single person had signed up. The day we mentioned it in a video, 15 people signed up.
It was pretty much the same thing with Amazon.
Almost nobody reads the description unless we tell them to. The only reasons we write all of that stuff in there is for YouTube's and Google's eyes. It ranks our videos higher, gets them shown to more people, and ultimately will give us a huge stage to promote Steem.
We’re doing so much to promote Steem. Having a link there is meaningless compared to what we’re already doing.
If it's so meaningless maybe you should consider either improve your description by removing the useless stuff or not dropping your content on the front-page if you can't respond to criticism in a constructive manner.
@transisto That's a shame.
Really comments
I am really happy on your success. You grew your subscribers and followers since the day I followed you. I am very excited to your success. I hope you continue to grow more and stay safe always while on adventure of travelling...😂🤣😁
his hard work pays off
Haha .. Funny!
I liked your style
Wonderful work .. for more creativity..
Bless God Some people are really stupid, they are not concerned about your success. It's just poor.
Keep it up. You're all right. Good job. This is a fun one. But the numbers are not false. Good work gringos
Thanks so much, we really appreciate that. Glad you enjoyed the video :)
haha the stinky gringo's haha. thats the best. Go and have a shower. God bless. Some people are really stupid an they do not begrudge you your success. That's just poor.
Keep it up. You did everything right. Good work
It's a good thing we found that out at the very beginning. Otherwise, we may have done the entire video without realizing how stinky we were ;)
Hahaha, perfect reply :-D
We could even smell it online - and are glad you fixed the issues now - lol
Hahaha, potatoes gonna potate. Love it! Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for watching :)
That's the thing with the worldwide web, you are publicly exposed to both people who will love you, and people who will hate you. I'm sorry on behalf of the Mexicans who are trying to expel you from the country. Wherever you go, you will experience this kind of rejections to different degrees. I have definitely experience it in the USA and I know it is not pretty. I am convinced that people who hate on others just for being different do so because of lack of exposure to different experiences and cultures. That being said, you are doing something about it by exposing yourselves to different scenarios, and they are not. Keep up what you are doing. These people will come and go.
We probably get more than 100 great, welcoming comments for every 1 negative comment, so it's really no big deal. We've learned to not let it bother us and just laugh at it. The vast majority of our audience are amazing people who remind us exactly why we're doing this. Thanks for everything!
Lmao, u read the caps lock message in CAPS LOCK.. 😂😂😂
We're just talking how they're typing Lol
ROTFL! "green-go-back-home"? really?! That was savage I must say! You guys really have tough skins, how could you stomach all those bile without developing diarrhea? lol
Hahaha, we had some trouble stomaching them in the beginning but we've been forced to learn to not take the comments too seriously. Trolls will be trolls.
yea yea. Ugly trolls with stones in their hearts. LMAO. But at the end of the day, their comments will make the show even more interesting!
Some people suck. We all know that.Don't worry about them @TangerineTravels !
Just do your best with your videos, that's all.
Good luck !
We've learned to not let these comments bother us. Instead, we attempted to make an entertaining video. Whether we were successful at that, well, the jury's still out.
I hope that only happened in the networks. Sometimes people can be really mean. For me you are very welcome to Mexico!!!
Thank you :) Most of our mean comments come from Facebook groups, in particular, a handful of US expats who have a superiority complex.
Ohhhh guys I know what you're talking about.
For me also as a person standing in public it's very familiar.
Often I ask myself if the people really think what they are saying?
Keep on going guys ;)
I highly doubt that a lot of these people would say these things to our faces, but behind the protection of a phone or a computer screen, it's so much easier. It makes you develop a thick skin and not take things to heart so easily, doesn't it?
It's good to see that they take these comments with such good humor not to feed the troll just leave them speechless
If we took all the negative comments seriously, we'd have a lot of crappy days. Thanks for watching :)
I had quite a good laugh with this one here, great job!
Thanks for showing us how to perfectly deal with trolls!!! :-)
LOVED and RESTEEMED (shouted out loud)
Thank you Marly :) We could've ignored them but decided to have some fun with it instead! Thanks for the resteem!
Seriously? I find your videos entertaining and fun most of the time like 9 out of 10. I can't imagine why people would leave mean comments to your post unless they don't have any sense of humor.
Yeah, who knows what their motivations are? It's a lot easier to type out a mean comment on a computer than to say the same thing to someone's face. Thankfully, these comments are only a tiny fraction of the ones we receive. Thanks for watching :)
Some people have actually stripped themselves of every shred of humanity left in them. How can people say this to other people and be cool with that? This is wickedness with total disregard for consequences. How do they get to sleep at night? I really admire you guys a lot and I am perfectly happy you showed their names to see if they are actually proud of themselves. Their comments are totally uncalled for. If they don't like it, they should just go. They don't have to use hateful words. Hateful words come from those who have troubles loving themselves. They just displayed their internal demons, the battles going on inside them.
They are seeking for relevance, looking for ways to channel their anger and I am delighted you didn't take it too much to heart. You know people like this comes with the territory.
That is the way. Their sarcasm doesn't help one iota. I love this, laugh it off. I can't even hear their complaints over the applause.
You are doing absolutely great and I am happy you have met kinder people in Mexico, so that is not a reflection of who Mexicans are. I am super proud of you guys and I am always rooting for you.
I love the way you are dealing with this and feeling undeterred about it.
This funny video is a perfect response. This makes it lighter and better. Reading in capslock hahahaha
Is it ever. The comments got even worse today.
Thankfully, we have you and a lot of other wonderful people by our side, cheering us on the whole time. It makes the process a whole lot easier. It's all just a part of the process, I suppose ;)
Absolutely, it is all part of the process and the applause is so loud that their mean words will always be at the background. Well done guys.
I love your approach to this, just laugh it off. Yaaaaay!.
I don't understand why these people don't just remain silent which saves their time and the person's being persecuted. Why ca't they just live their own lives?
We completely agree. If only they could just live their own lives? Thankfully, we've learned to not take them to seriously and continue to enjoy what we're doing. Thanks for watching!!
Don't worry about them
Some people suck. We all know that. we are always with you
Just do your best with your videos, that's all.
Good luck !
Thank you! We tried to have some fun with this one :)
This is humans.. We are looking for something to critisize, we want to compete, we envy each other and we are not kind to each other. Don't listen to such people but enjoy the nice words from people who can appreciate the work of others 😉 Keep up the good work and stay positive!
Thankfully, our comment sections are usually filled with great, informative, and funny comments and those like the ones in this video are rare. Thanks for watching :)
haha the stinky gringo's haha. thats the best. Go and have a shower. God bless Some people are really stupid and they do not begrudge you your success. That's just poor.
Keep it up. You did everything right. Good work. A fifth of people are against everything at all times. Intelligent people have a right over the ignorant: the right to instruct them.
Thankfully, the mean comments are well in the minority. But sheesh, some people are just downright mean!! The day after posting this, we got what was basically a death threat. C'mon people!
Thanks for commenting, we're glad you found it entertaining!
I loved this! This puts Mean Tweets to shame! Keep it up!
What a compliment!! Thanks so much!
The way you YELLED out the comments had me cracking up! This should really be sent in to mean tweets to show them how it is should be properly done! Forget celebrities! It happens to real people, too! I just loved it!
LMFAO!!! real comedy. You made my day thanks a lot @tangerinetravels
Hahaha, glad you enjoyed it. Did you have a favorite part?
at $647.66 now!
Just ignore Transisto and his flagging, he is part of the Berniesanders group who are the Steemit Mafia. They like to police Steemit and control it. Anyone not bowing to them are punished (flagged!)
Me gusta realmente lo que haces, hace semanas vi un vídeo tuyo y me impresiono mucho en la forma que te destacas, excelente amigo. Saludos desde VENEZUELA
Muchas gracias por el cumplido!
I think @1:41 he meant that Trump is trying to tax Mexico for the WALL.......
so Americans need to leave Mexico, lol!
One of your funniest videos for sure;0) Love the thought of taking the negative criticism with "a grain of salt and a few shots of tequila". Although it's obvious, I will still note that jealousy can be pretty comical if properly interpreted. I personally think you are both fantastic beings for simply doing what you find interesting and important despite how unorthodox it may seem to some. As far as I am concerned, you are both living your dream and are awesome enough to share your adventures with us all. As for the question is why would they continue to watch and comment on your videos if they are not enjoying your contribution? Who has that kind of time?!?!?!?!?!
Really!! Who has that time?!? If you don't like it, move on :)
This is too funny! Reminds me of the "Mean Tweets" segment on Jimmy Kimmel... You guys are hilarious - so glad you're letting any negativity roll off of your backs. Keep doing you, it's definitely working for you! :D looking forward to following more of your journey you cute couple, you!
Thank you, you're awesome! Following you now too :)
Yey!! :) Thank you!
wow, amazing couples doing amazing things. Keep doing it no matter what, people have their own opinion depending on their perceptions.
We're loving what we're doing, so you can bet that we'll keep at it :)
Best funny picture
Some famous people have said that racism will not stop until Black word will be stopped from Blackout day/Until the roads will be stopped making black in color but still its ok until the tissue paper is white to wipe the _____.Actually people should protest against anything which is human created or made by some one.What can a person do for the natural things which happens???We should understand.We must understand.
It's normal to be discriminated, untill some neo-nazi retarded smash someone or kill him because he's different to that bag of trash -i'm reffering the agressor as that way-, and then things turn ugly. I apreciate your work @tangerinetravels. Respect being insulted because people see gringos as smelly is because some of gringos -and europeans- are not used -sadly- to some place's 'frantic' hygiene. Nobody like to be in a good and freshy place and then forgot to smell good and the people around reminds your hygiene manors in a akward sense...
Nice post
Check out @cryptobabes 👈
Haha this is funny, thanks for sharing!👍😎
We have to laugh about it otherwise we'll be crying ourselves to sleep 😂
water on a ducks back
Just let that water slide right off...and then make a YouTube video about it 👍
exactly! gonna find y'all on YouTube sub back if ya like!
Awesome, thanks!
Super post !!! very nice !!!
entertained me hahaha
I can feel the smell lol.
And they say Mexicans in Mexico are so nice ?
They are! The vast majority of comments are super nice, it's only the rare one that's mean.
Good post bro, saludos desde venezuela :)
the whole world in fact has become stinky
LOL!! Humans, stinky humans!
Yes, thick skin is key in life for sure and I'm Oatmeal hehe.
Start a YouTube channel and you'll grow a thick skin quickly LOL. What's the story behind "Oatmeal"?
YouTube terminated my Ojawall channel in 2017 over a video response, fair use, video made in 2009. YouTube deleted thousands of my videos that I've been making since 1996.
Enjoyed the video. And learned a lot, your post has been great. Thank you for posting so beautiful. There are more such posts that are available. I want to be one of your best friends. Make me friends I come to you, you will be my best friend.
Hahaha, this is funny, so i like this.
i always love your funny videos sis
why that f***** people downvote your post?, hmmm
Awe, thank you!!! Oh well, it has about 400 upvotes and only 1 downvote. Not the worst ratio ever haha.
Hello friend, I have followed you on Steemit, please be kind enough to follow me as well. Lets make steemit a great community together. Thanks & Regards
Hi, I am new here. I am wondering if anyone responds and follow you after you send a message like that.
There are many people who agree to make friends, and some people do not like it, but I do not want to have many friends, to share about coffee, thanks
How about us? Are we friends yet?
you remember me, i'm @azzan
@steemapple LOL
please follow and upvote
You drive a hard bargain!
Lol, @tmonkell, you're the only one getting an upvote from us in this thread.
Good video. Very interesting.
There will always be haters and trolls.