Friday is here!

in #funny5 years ago

A Beneficial interpretation!


Same designer?


Not much more I can say?


All received via WhatsApp, not my property.

Good start for the Weekend!


pocketsend:11@teamsouthafrica, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

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I am running Pocket-JS confirmer code.

Lol that second meme, yeah the last TRAP is the most deadly one :D


7.01148600 TRDO4.67432400 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @theguruasia, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @teamsouthafrica! @teamsouthafrica will receive & @theguruasia will get

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I noticed something about my wife from the minute we held hands - she tucked her thumb inside so I ended up holding her hand - engulfing it, I suppose. I couldn't figure it out because I learned growing up in the rough neighbourhood where we lived never to tuck your thumb inside your fist because you never knew when you'd have to punch somebody...yeah, sad but true. On the good side, she doesn't punch me :)

Punching someone with your thumb inside could result in it being broken! That is strange about your Wife ?,perhaps clasping Taxi money in case she needed to get away?

Ha ha, that might explain a lot :)

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