Thursday Theatre!

in #funny6 years ago

Nobody is taking my Food!


Delayed Damage?


Not the kind of Nail referred to in the DIY Book.

I did exactly what they said in the instructions?

" Hold the Nail against the wood and strike with Hammer"


A Good Laugh , never Hurts! ( as long as it is not happening to you}!

All pictures sent to me on WhatsApp by family and friends, not my property.

Captions are my own


pocketsend:11@teamsouthafrica, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

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Someone sent you some POCKET tokens. POCKET is an experimental sub-token system which operates on the Steem blockchain. It's like having a custom token without SMT. You can also send some to someone else by just commenting on a post with the following command: pocketsend:number_of_token@recipient_name,memopocketsend:10@pocketjs,This is a gift for example to send 10 tokens to @pocketjs, make a comment starting with:

I am running Pocket-JS confirmer code.

Always be positive dog and thums make the true humor, sense of the day.

Deb put a scratch on my car when we first started going out - a friend told her not to tell me, but she did - that's probably why we're still together after all those years, lol - actually, she's a much better driver than me

Chris often terrifies me!

excellent funny.. that's great teamsouthafrica thanks for visiting with my post

I need a panic room exactly like that!

I love the bed and breakfast one!!