"The Secret", From a Strictly Extra-terrestrial Point of View

in #funny7 years ago

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Suppose you’re an alien, from outer space. You arrive to planet earth and start exploring this crazy beautiful planet called earth.

Five minutes in, and you already realize that there are certain things that humans do that you just cannot understand.

You head to the bookstore. Sorry mam’ where can I learn more about humans?

‘Here’ she says while handing you a copy of book that she claims has all the answers you’d be looking for.

A book called The Secret.

So you’re saying the biggest secret about human life is inside this book?

“The secret about the life in the entire universe.” She says in the absolute voice of pride.

Wait a minute… ALL the answers I’ll be looking for? Isn’t that what they say in religious cults?

She doesn’t laugh, all the contrary in fact. She takes a step back, crosses her arms, arches her eyebrows and says to you:

“You like clever remarks huh? Did you know that this books has sold millions upon millions of books? What do you think about that?”

I think they need better title!

… I mean, you’re buying the book under the premise to read some privileged information that nobody has, not a story that everybody has been sold on already.

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You’re out of the store now, curiosity gets the best of you and so you decide to read the book - and by read the book I mean watch the movie.

You’re 10 minutes in that documentary-style movie and your mind cannot believe what your eyes are seeing.

You’re bombarded with exaggerated imagery of goofy grownups in some douchey white gowns. They’re all forming a circle as if they were about to perform some sort of ritualistic sacrifice in the name of the hooded one.

Wait, is this the Illuminati thing everyone keeps talking about?

You keep watching and you see ancient scriptures being passed around in secrecy inside some overly lit caves filled with plastic cobwebs.

Because you know, ancient cavemen are known to operate flashes and LED lights.

One thing is clear, this is either some sort of a ridiculous charade or a strategically crafted narrative presented with all sorts of crazy imagery and infused with dramatic music and powerful words.

Probably aimed for impressionable people with an inclination to the hyperbole and fairy-tales.

But you’re still curious. Not intellectually curious, but more like a lonely housewife who wants to know the ending of her Telenovela kind of curious.

I mean, the author claims that this important and vital secret was hidden for the ages until she herself stumbled upon it the midst of global recession.

Coincidentally just when people are the most desperate and willing to bite in any story that gives them any sense of hope.

But that’s just a coincidence I’m sure. The woman is probably just sharing with us a secret that has been hidden for centuries.

So what’s this big secret you say? Positive imagery and The Law of Attraction.

That’s it? That’s the big secret? If that was a secret it was really poorly hidden.

Napoleon Hill wrote about it in the 1930s, Norman Vincent in the 1950s, Tony Robbins just a few years before her.

That’s no secret? That’s spinning at best. At worst they’re selling people on some seriously unethical marketing strategies with false advertising and a maybe even a fake story to begin with.

Which is closer to that truth, that she’s spinning spin the same law of attraction story for the fifth freakin’ generation, or that she accidentally stumbled on the secret of humanity that was locked in some medieval cave?

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You don’t need caves, scrolls and people dressed like Freemason... That same secret has been in every book store for five freaking generations already.

If you’ll ask me, that story doesn’t really add up.

You resist the urge to turn that thing off, and toss that book in the trash.
You want to know what other people think about the book and you join a book club, a Secret Book Club in this case.

Eyes Wide Shut

You try share your doubts with the members, but they are unconcerned, they are clearly emotionally attached to their secret, and they have faith, blind faith.

You don’t understand, they all seem to say.

They tell you that your problem is that you lacking faith, and that all you need to do is to open your eyes and start believing.

Or in this case, close your eyes.

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They tell you that the secret she found on those caves is a treasure that provides proof of existence of a new God, a god unlike anything seen before.

A god called the universe, and that the universe is your wishes granting dispenser.

So you just wish away, and the universe is limitlessly bound to provide you with anything you want, anything in the world.

*“Oh yeah, we have that story in my planet too.”(

“You do?”

We do, but we have another name for it, we call it Aladdin.

Only instead of a treasure book it’s a lamp, and instead of unllimited wishes, we have only three.

There’s no call for sarcasm they say as silence drowns the laughter. Everyone is so offended now.

What’s the big deal you ask? If you’re offended, just cast your wishes to the universe to re-write this conversation, it’s like it has never existed.

They don’t see the irony and tell you that they’re offended because you’re speaking as if The Secret is some spin-off version of a new age religion.

They tell you that they’re offended that you compare the secret with Aladdin’s genie tale.

In the middle of the outrage someone plays the movie to “educate” you and the screen freezes in the most incredible scene:

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Son of a bitch! They’ve spun Aladdin too!

You know what? I’m gonna give this universe wishing dispenser a shot,

I’m gonna wish for a better book!

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This is the REAL secret to happiness:

Hahaha "Those bitches can't get under your skin!"

I was laughing all the way through, thanks for sharing!

that universe loves me so much
am overly blessed
the secret .. only a few know that :)
it's always great to find out who among the Steemian is a warrior :)
A hooooooo

Haha awesome

This is the best meditation I have ever done. Lol

I know, right? It's helped me out of some really dark f*cking places. Hahaha. Always so happy when I remember it exists!

:) Fuck yeah

This post received a 0.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @jhermanbeans! For more information, click here!


Made me think of your article :)

Hahaha Love it!



I have not seen that you already put that chapel video in you post :D

Yeah I figured, but it doesn't matter since your intention was great anyways, it's an awesome video and we both thought of it.

Thanks for sharing anyways!

Haha great post, this is one of the big problems with all these happy-clapping seminars and the self-help bullshits: it's too watered down. They don't tell you the truth or the fucking secret. They tell you a couple great stories, get you in a positive state for two hours and then you go back to your miserable, boring life without any lasting change.

I haven't read the book haha because it seems to be a bunch of nonsense from what I hear.

There is one thing however that all the great thinkers, ancient or in this present moment, agree upon on. And that is: You are and become what you think about.

It is not the universe aligning in a perfect angle to shoot stardust up your asshole and give you all your dreams without doing anything. With simply sitting there and building that attraction, waiting for the good shit to come by.


It is the simple fact that what we focus on, our thinking, determines our actions.

If I'm sitting here in a low-vibration state, trying to take energy from everybody else, draining them, scavenging, then I'm obviously not gonna take the massive action that is required to achieve my goal.

Recently heard an interesting study cited somewhere, I'll try to find it, about how the more you believe you are in charge of your life, the better your life will be. Or the happier you'll be. Something along those lines.

Because, if you believe it is possible you go out and do it.

Now, this isn't some positive thinking, mentally jerking off, we're all gonna make it crap. Oh, no.

It is actionable stuff. Plain and simple.

What would you rather believe? That you're in control of your life or some random entity in the sky has it all planned out for you, just sit back and watch? Watch your life go to shit, pretty much.

Oh yeah, it's very important to control your own mind. But as you said, certain people tell you good stories that make you feel good for a little time and then you don't solve the problem and remain in the same situation..

Believe in yourself! You are something special.

I liked the book. The message and content may have been repackaged and made more contemporary, but I liked the effort made of trying to get people to be aware of the power of their own minds and thinking !

Well, I'm all for people thinking for themselves and using the power of their minds as you say. :)

I love the way you write man. Good job. Fuck the secret too. I beleive in a higher power, the one who made the universe

Thank you!

Aaah, as a superficial wake up call The Secret did a good job I think. Most people only heard about Napoleon Hill as a result of it.
No, most people probably never dug any deeper, but for me it was one of the things that marked the entrance to my rabbit hole, that I'm still exploring :)
Very humorous post, though. I do like to take the alien perspective, too, sometimes :)

Haha yeah, it's an interesting perspective, I find it easier to lighten the mood when we laugh about stuff.

Hi @the-alien A very entertaining perspective. The book clearly resonates with some in diffrent ways than how other find it. Personally, it acted as the glue that bound together multiple philosopies and ideas in my mind. I am still exploring just how far these revalations will take me, but, in the interim 'The Secret' was an inspirational experience for me.

I'm happy you had a positive experience. :)

I joke about everything, and I'm happy you're not offended, thank you for being so positive.

I think I just grew a million brain cells! Holy shit!

Thank you for sharing. I'm quite agree with you about the Secret! Very doubtful use

Thank you. Yeah very doubtful for sure.

Wooow very nice post
This post really deserve the tiltle
( The post of the day )
Keep it up

Haha thanks a lot!! :)

lol, Our eyes must be shut to not know this "secret". Decided what you want, and create it with your heart and mind.

Absolutely, create it with your own heart, mind and even sweat if you want, just not wait for the universe to handed to you :P

What an awesome story, thanks for this great post and THANKS a lot for supporting me throughout these hard days, much appreciated my friend!

I wish the hard days will go away soon! You're a valuable member of this community always adding value, I certainly wish you all the best of course. :)

Cheers mate - i decided to just continue what i am doing also for the community in a certain area giving back from my own funds - if some of them still attack then let it be it :-) - I have no time to have feel bad about doing good - too old for that, life is too short. Appreciate your words!

Life is short you're right. Focus on what brings you joy and what helps others, that's more than enough I think.

As far as I'm concerned, you're always a great plus in this community.

The answer to all, the universe and everything else is .... 42
:D :D :D

The problem with The Secret is that its not wrong.
But it also misses huge important points about working with the Law of Attraction.

Like, the universe doesn't care about what you say, it only cares about your current vibration.

You know all those downer thoughts that you have? Since all of them are part of what you are attracting, better get rid of those. And so, being a western minded person, you try to cleanse and purge yourself. (Christians have been doing it for eons.) But few actually get into their psyche and find out where those downer thoughts are coming from and going inside to fix them.

Yes, the Law of Attraction actually works, however, it is not some little secret that in the knowing just makes everything better. No, its like that stupid white rabbit. It is only the beginning of taking responsibility for all your shit.

Taking responsibility of your own shit as you said, is really important. Certainly something to not be overlooked.

I agree that psychological inner analysis, and reviewing one's owns thoughts isn't something to be simplified.

Very good material... i trust in "the secret".

I know that i take upvote from you now in my wall ;) lol

Totally loving this!
Our world is a truly hilarious place, thanks for reminding me, haha ;) Upvoted!

Haha thank you!

Thank you for sharing "The Secret".

Thank you!

As long as I don't have to hear or see that kid Tyler from secureteam10 on YouTube, this should be pretty good

ha ha. this is GREAT. love it. very well-done. :-)

Thanks man! I appreciate it :)

wow amazing...! i like your content keep posting stuff like this, i followed and upvoted
your post and please also upvote and follow me @wicky or click on image. i need more followers
can u please help me to get more followers i am new here? thanks


followed and uprooted..thanks for the laugh. Today sucked...now it doesn't suck so bad...appreciate it!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. I hope tomorrow doesn't suck then!

Oh it will. It's just a matter of how much will it suck! Lol

HI @the-alien I absolutely love this topic. But whether I love or hate it I can;t avoid it....................... lol And I think you know what I mean. I we are self aware we have a consciousness..........if we have a consciousness we are a force that is driving the sention avatars that we travel in through this incarnation. And despite the filters that shield us from our full awareness in order to make this game called life interesting......... it is hard for it to not spll over sometimes lol.

Don't you think though, that trying to do something...even trying to utilize the law of attraction keeps many of us in the reality of trying. That is why most of us are TRYING to manifest the things we want and not seeing it until maybe we let go... BUT manifesting plenty of what we don't want as we just do it without thinking.... Ironic, but powerful...

What's your spin on that?

Hola @the-alien he conseguido algunos de los contactos que te comenté... justo no funciona el steemit.chat... te puedo ubicar en otro lado... en discord quizá? . Sorry por escribir acá, no encontré otra forma.

Hola! He intentado contactarte durante dos dias pero el chat nunca parece funcionar para mi :(

El discord si, seria una gran idea! mi nombre es @the-alien como aqui y el chat.

Mandame un mensaje ahi y intentare ayudar con eso :)

Hola!, realmente no se como contactarte por allá, parace que la búsqueda es solo en los canales donde uno está ... he tratado enviando solicitud de amistad y me pide un tag de 4 dígitos (@the-alien#0000) o algo así. Si puedes me envías un msg tu porfa mi usuario también es el mismo de acá @ciag. Saludos!

Vale, eso hago entonces. Te busco por el Discord. :)

El chat aun no funciona para mi :(

prueba con http://steemit.chat/direct/ quizá puedes ingresar... sino en discord nomas

Parece que va a funcionar esta vez :) Esta cargando aun.

ingresa al canal de Cervantes en Discord... https://discord.gg/YK4GT5
Así será mas rápido yo creo.

You know when Oprah endorses a book, it's most likely fiction, lol.

I agree with the alien, The Secret is asinine garbage.

I have to know--did this conversation actually occur? Haha, I'm picturing you, face scrunched in confusion as to why anyone would ever take this seriously, posing questions to these people.

Sadly people are just so desperate for assurance that there is something beyond this little life for some it seems that any will do. And the largest problem is that people are always looking outside of themselves for these answers.
I know that this life is just a temporary stop on an eternal journey, that are spirits are immortal. But I have no idea what life after this one looks like, and I don't know that it's even possible for anyone to know while they're here, in fact I lean very heavily on the probability that part of the deal of living in this material world is a memory wipe of anything outside of it.

I've recently, well my husband and I, discerned some really interesting things about the Bible. The biggest is that it has nothing to do with life outside of this one. Even the concepts of Heaven and Hell pertain to the here and now and not some sort of esoteric afterlife. Once we learned to read it right, we saw it is a script (script-ure) and a manual (Emmanuel), nothing more, also nothing less which still makes it a significant text ;)

We might be better off concentrating our efforts on what it is we're supposed to learn in this place then constantly theorizing what comes after it. Though admittedly I still find it fun to imagine :)

"Wait a minute… ALL the answers I’ll be looking for? Isn’t that what they say in religious cults?"
oh my goodness... I love the extraterrestrial perspective. I had this point of view after one trip on psychedelics, and it was so ungrounding that I had to forget about it... but this. This is a good reminder about how silly we are.

Congratulations @the-alien
You took 92 place in my Top 100 of posts