Blog - Valentine's Day

in #funny7 years ago

Roses are red
Violets aren't blue
It's Valentine's Day and I have a few words for you.

Whether you're single...

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Or married...

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Today we all have an excuse to eat chocolate and that is enough reason why I love this day...

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It's not the only reason I love this day, it is the only day in the year my husband is allowed to buy murdered flowers for my table to look pretty. I don't even allow it on my birthday. And of course there is the whole love thing.

I also like that Valentine's Day is the one day you can get away with buying a gift for you... Wink wink.

Today we don't plan on going out so my husband will be bringing home some take out and a movie. I'm excited for our date night in.

How will you be spending Valentine's Day?



I'll be spending my Valentine's day wondering what could've been..
Atleast I have steemit now 😅


And happy Valentine's day to you and your husband.
I hope you have a great day

Happy Valentine's Day! I'll be painting most likely lol And packing a few prints of my painting "Waves of Love" to ship :) IMG_0218a.jpg

Just want to say :)

Happy valentine's day ledy 😊