How to please a Persian cat?

Perhaps a bit of poetry would defrost her highness.
An autumn day-- but to win this Persian's heart one must begin with a bouquet, crafted neatly into a poem, and then purred with great care.
Roses are red, but since cats are colorblind anyway, a blueberry bush might do.

'Blueberries are red...'
Blueberries are red, and violets are... violet.

That's got her attention. What? Violets are indeed violet!

Blueberries are red, and violets are violet...

An autumn day, and I'm wrecking this attempt at poetic wordplay-- nothing rhymes with 'violet'.
Here, my Persian princess, is a poem for my dearest colorblind feline:
Blueberries are red, and violets are too,

Here, I got you some canned cat food.

LOL...pretty darn funny and beautiful cat!!
She is, it lets her get away with a lot!
I can totally relate = )
persian cats are just perfection. keep sharing such interesting posts 😀
Yes this cat is near perfect!
That is one very beautiful cat... small wonder she believes she's the queen of everything...
She takes it beyond just belief; she knows that she is the queen.
Oh she is a beauty!! I had to scroll back up to read the text as I rushed through the pics. Lol @tinned cat food!
It's your turn to make a poem for the cat now, you have some steep competition with my sophisticated!!
Lol, a rhyme eh. It's been a while since I exercised those muscles!
She is a beauty, but she wasn't impressed at all 'til I whipped out the tin.
Oh God, reading that gives me a lot more confidence in my poetry attempts, hahahaha.
Blueberries are red, violets are too, I got you canned cat food now go take a poo.
Sleep deprivation, inevitable that I will turn into an eight year old!
violets are violet and blueberries are blue, we'll teach this colorblind kitty if it's the last thing we do!
Stop me now.
It's not that easy to write eh? I knew I could end the poem with that food, it didn't have to be eloquent or pretty with such props handy.
Absolutely hilarious! :D
Glad you liked!
So was the cat satisfied with the poem and with the can? xD
Your post made me want to say 'awww'
She forgot the poem when she heard me pull the top, so all was forgiven!
I found some words for you hehehe
I had help. I used hehe It found 128 words that end in -let.
You can also go with non-conventional rhyming...
Boba Fett
Who knows, maybe that last one would get a reaction from her.
Oh I could have used 'beamlet', she is a little one of those for sure! 'Toilet' would have been good, but is actually an issue with this cat, so it probably wouldn't have been appropriate in her head, even with the quality rhyme it creates. The food that I whipped out meant that I had finished her poem early, and she was fine with it.
Ah then, all is well :)
doesn't seems to be pleased ;p
Not until I'd pulled the top off of the tin!
AHAHA! Man, cats are so hard to please. They're probably the worst (or best) audience for comedy. If you're able to make them laugh, it's either you're the world's best comedian or you're cheating. Cat food is in no way a cheat. You do you, Paul. You do you.
It wasn't cheating, maybe-- perhaps the food happened coincidentally, and we both welcomed the relief that it offered from the "poem". She would probably have laughed at the food-related ending if she had internet, might have even up-voted if she felt lightly amused by it.
Perhaps the food was always there. Whether we didn't pay any attention to it, or whether the cat just suddenly developed a liking to it.
really nice cat.. in pics she looks little bit bigger than other cats.. is it the character of Persian Cat? Poem was too good..
She's little, but fluffy, so she looks big. Big head too. She's the oldest of our cats, around 14.
She looks a lot younger, though! 😀
Hay man here the no Rose but leave are red and flower are white, even if leave all that, still cat want to fight.
That is poetry that this cat likes!
Wow! Very beautiful Persian cat. Yes cats are colour blind so how to please them with some milk and cookies. You have great creative efficiency to express feelings and emotions beautifully.Thanks for sharing it, the colour of the cat is very sweet. Wish you a very happy time my dear friend.
She is beautiful, and when I looked at the photos I saw that her mane had a tangle in the front that I hadn't seen before, so I have been untangling and pulling fur apart for her tonight. Thanks for looking, this was some fun with a bit of poetry and nature's colors.
I like pets. You know friend recently my baby puppy had died ,it was so painful I can't forget it still now. At the time when I am at the dinner table, I feel very sorry for it. It was so dear to me and it had also loved me so much. Seeing your cat, I am remembering it now. Thanks for the reply my friend, it may be night there ,so good night.
cat looks little angry :), very nice post, thanks for sharing
She looks that way often, but she's nice!
hmmm, good, i like the way she looks very much
The expressions on her face are priceless.
She's mastered the whole range of 'aloof'.
Nothing like food to win a heart.
No poem needed if there's food around!
Love it, and I'm sure the kitty from Persia did too. Thanks for the lift today, and the great prose. Have a nice Saturday (I'm way behind...)
Hey it's nice to see you. She did enjoy the can, but it wasn't as special as expected; there was another cat that appeared when I opened the can, so I had to open two. The other cat that showed up we call Sooie, and her name sounds like a hog-call for a reason. She's the roundest of the cats by far.
Nice to chat with you as well. I've had a bit of a time keeping up on here, and not posting as much as I'd like. Hope to change that soon.
"Pig Sooeee." I was at the hospital (visiting and art exhibit, not in myself) in Clinton once, and the nurses gave me the Razorback call, as it's supposed to be, and it WAS impressive. Echoed all about the place.
Cats are a kick, aren't they? And they can hear that can opening from a LONG way off.