The day we rescued him he was scared and timid:
His new favorite home quickly became our couch:
He had only been part of the family for a month and already he was showing his patriotism for 4th of July:
The honeymoon was rocking, I mean, he was so cute and perfect:
His current bed (one of several destroyed):
He recently turned 1 on 11/11. It seemed like it'd be a lucky day so I decided that I would leave him out of his kennel for the day while I went to work. This is how he decided to thank and surprise meBut then, he turned on us (I can't help but think he started acting out after the hours I spent on the computer trading cryptos). All I was trying to do was support him! First it was my socks and boxers. Then it became more costly. Here's what is currently left of my Air Jordan's
)and my favorite running shoes (not cheap)
Now it's about Christmas time and I know he's waiting for his presents, but I'm broke cause of him. I mean look at the little bastard stalkin me!
He's still cute to me but for now, we'll relax and I'll continue to love my bipolar puppy. Just beware, they may seem awfully cute but never trust em no matter how good they give you that puppy eyed look. I've fallen for it too many times. In the meantime we've improvised our couch to last us until a good deal comes along (don't mind the tape) :
Now go out and adopt a puppy - you could be like me! Possession-less.