read about awesome and fun facts that all of us have learned from movies.
no matter the situation you can always find where to hide your self.

somehow dogs always know who's a bad guy and will naturally bark at him.

all bombs having electronic timing devices with large red led so you know exactly when they're going to explode.

when the detective got suspended from duty only than he can solve a case.

If you decide to start dancing in the street, everyone around you will know the steps and will dance with you.

when you in middle of a fight, It does not matter how much enemies surrounding you and you outnumbered
they always patiently attack you one by one. until you have knocked out them one by one.

its take several turns of the key to start a car but only when you got chaised by someone, or runing away.

when bad guys got shot they die instantly, but good guys die slowly.
it's super easy to fool the security guards even if this government institution.

there are always extra stools available right in front of a bartender who is just waiting for someone to order.

when you turning on a tv there is always news on.

when needing a computer they can type extremely fast and never need using the space bar!

When they are alone, prefer to speak English to each other, even if they none English speaker

when driving down in a straight road, it is necessary to turn the steering wheel from left to right every few seconds.

once she put a lipstick it will never rub off, even when diving
Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window of any building in Paris and in any situation

I sure you liked this list it was really hard and painful to me to write
Literally, painful I couple hours ago had a surgery in the hospital and the first thing I did after a surgery, was writing this post.
so really a appreciate showing me some support by upvote it really was a hard and painful time to write this post, but I dedicated to steemit.
and if you missed the first part of facts #1 make sure to read.