
When I see people selling STEEM in this bear market actually I feel funny!

Coz, atleast those panic people are leaving this before making another panic moment when SMT launch. So we can have $100 worthy STEEM in near future@traf,


that's my wife's cum face

Everyone loses hope thinking it will go down and so decide to sell what little they have

maybe in retrospect they're the smart ones

Lol, when I see people who sell the Steem and want to leave us in a difficult time, I will find a weighty argument for their appeasement, haha

ya, shut the doors on them
no leaving this steem bus

So it will be with everyone who tries to sell Steem . haha

ya off with their heads, says porn stache

Lol, clam down & buy at dip.. :)

but the dip just keeps dipping in shit

sell now and get caught with your pants down

damn, the mare must have seen him cheating on her with my wife

dont do it

Be cool people, or I'm gonna fill you with lead

Posted using Partiko Android

LoL traf in such a situation it will be necessary to take extreme measures to calm the people selling the Steem in a panic mood to sharply cool their ardor :D

and that's boiling hot water

a gun solves every problem?

Lol. We are many and we are all on the alert. As soon as information on the sale of steem on the bear market arrives, we are going to the team.

Its like these kinds of people have never heard of the term HODL before!