When your girlfriend says you can trust her but as soon as you take her out she's signalling the word 'Help' in Morse code
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When your girlfriend says you can trust her but as soon as you take her out she's signalling the word 'Help' in Morse code
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She is really stuck she asks for help ...

gotta pass wind during winking sometimes
Trust is such a difficult thing in a relationship. Best to keep love in the basement tied to something immovable.
ya, although sometimes she cheats on me with the radiator
Damn that was genius. Was the radiator on or off?
I'm guessing she must have gotten ahold of one of those Get out of jail, free cards in order for you to take her out. Damn Hillary..
no idea where she got her get out of basement free card either
Good thing most people wouldn't recognize Morse code. Hell, if someone shouted "help!" In sign language I would probably think they were calling me an asshole.
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I thought that was 'I'm full and I really need to go take a dump'
I think she wants to say something different.
learning to play the flute i think
Ha ha ha
Lol. As soon as a friend starts signaling the word "Help" in the Morse code, there are immediately those who want to answer her.
ya it's how we met in the first place
When your hammer of thor left a mark in the morning and you telling her to expect another round at night.
... .... ... ..... . .. ..... ... ...... .. ......
Help, anybody there, he's a maniac
hint hint hint
I would like to trust her, but she starts to wink at everyone, considering herself very sexy. Ha ha.
Lol. I think your girlfriend can be trusted. Just she has a nervous tic, from the first guy.
Lol. When she confessed that she was mowing for two eyes, I definitely trusted her.
Sorry, did i asked u to go out w me?
very funny
ha ha ha......speed is low
gf bf hahaha