
Thank you Jezuz.... traffy CMC post have finally arrived! now i don't have to sacrifice my pet dog 🐶 to the gods of fud cause they were partial to hot-doges

my prediction is steem price could go either up or down or stay more or less the same
you can quote me on that

wow...that's better than out rachoralexo is coming to upvote this amazing analysis!

whales when cryptos went very down.

like we could afford a vr headset right now let alone a hooker

Steem whales are just left holding their little knobs

Haha good one, though I'm not holding enough to care if it goes up or down

This is how i'm looking at my phone since morning and waiting for steem to turn into green

well you're keeping your shit together a lot better than I am

Lol cool as a cucumber

....and Steem is $10

Gif from Giphy

ya, hopefully by the time my daughter turns into an old man

Is that genetic in your family or would you like our financial assistance for the "change"?

swami guru @theabsolutelynaked is a mean man

I'm only trying to help you see the error of your ways @bj123

yeah i need a bj on my clit to make me feel better....please assist


Live by the Steem, die by the Steem. CMC is just a FUD/FOMO inducer. Leave it alone.

On the other hand, that looks like me whenever I make a non-punchline post on Steemit. It's like:


haha the cat's waiting for a single upvote

Time lapse 24 hours.

you're a blonde sexymatty....always though you were more a brunette

You could try to poke it with a stick


*falls down further into a hole

Oh yeah maybe it's best to leave it be then lol

Now, keep looking at this for 1 minute and repeat “I will upvote this comment, I will upvote this comment, I will upvote this comment, I will upvote this comment, ...................................”

lol I think it worked on me!

I am waiting for the sky to turn green

So many ways I have already tried and I’m still single. But this one gives me a new hope!

lol not sur how it's related but it's funny

love ❤️ takes a bit of the FUD pain away?


Crazizeqcef9bsu2qur9u5ivg-cat-attack-hang-on-x25j8d8.gif my cat is crazy


Lols.. Is that a life cat because its not even blinking

My cat just gave up, waiting!!


until when will it be @traf?

I think this will not be up

pity the cat


I do not seem to be desperate

Well, I did a quick search and...

CMC - California Mens Colony (prison)

What'd you mix in their drinks, traffy boi?