When your wife is getting an ultrasound to find out if it's a girl or boy, but the doctor tell her that actually she's just fat
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When your wife is getting an ultrasound to find out if it's a girl or boy, but the doctor tell her that actually she's just fat
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Well, at least that's a relief for you and your girlfriend
Better be careful, though, your wife had that killer look in her eyes
it's the only relief i ever get from her
Ouch, I hope she's not looking over your shoulder right now or you're gonna get it.
Your wife didn't use the pregnancy test correctly
No wonder she thought she was pregnant
i guess there are some pubes growing in the wrong places too
Haha, I thought that was just ear stuff.
Haha too many buns in the oven
definitely too many donuts down her chute too
That's a scary looking bun...I think if food looked like that, I'd eat less.
Yea it looks more like it's actually going to eat you than the other way around lol
Exactly, haha.
"I told you so," says the guy.
I laughed out loud over this one.
Too bad there isn't a shorter way of saying laugh out loud. I will work on it and come up with something.
yeah i think you have to record the laugh in dsound and send it as a reply or something
Yeah this one was actually funny. xD
Very unusual of traf.
Then he shouts, "April Fool's! You're having fucking quintuplets!"
damn, she must be a cat or something
Haha, that will be quite the April fool's. I'll pass out if my doctor said that to me.
There's a thing called home pregnancy test
Even teenagers know about them
she sure wants to make sure there
Sometimes, the results aren't accurate so the more the better, right?
I wonder which is worse:
you're actually in labor and giving birth to twins.
hmm dunno, there should be a tv show called pregnant or fat or something
A fat reality show, I think they'll have no problem finding people to go on.
Both kind of equally bad cuz you're fat either way.
lol randomly needlessly harsh
My mom tells me to be truthful and honest so I try to do that as much as possible.
Hmmm, very intuitive, time for me to get off my butt and do some exercise.
Haha your humor knows no bounds.
I actually just laughed out loud and scared my pug. Thank you
Haha yeah gave me a laugh too :)
Lol, then I will answer the doctor, "Hey, open your eyes, she has a real fighter in her belly!" ha ha ha :D
How to understand that you are fat and not pregnant. The first sign that you're fat - this is when you can not get up from the couch :)) Lol
When know just i am fat. I have no baby.

I hope that God does not deprive one of the children
The most beautiful children in the universe
He claimed that God gave me a child
I wish so frankly
You were on your peak in the last these days I didn't like this one :(
Ha ha very bad situation that time wife will think which time i will have baby i can't say that i have baby or i am just fat.
Hahahahha. Lol..
"We're not paying this bitch on our way out."