
well some of the folks i know kinda look like this

understandably pictures of their babies are just an endless parade of troll mugshots

source: giphy

ya when they show you their photos you ask them to turn off the snapchat filters

How i feel when my relatives show me their babies and asked me to hold for sometime.

do they always have that much hair? does make grabbing them easier

boil it, make ginseng soup!

Yes, historically baby pictures were also carved into stones and weaved into papyrus.

Ugly got faith


could be a baby cow or something

Parents, this is not's disgusting and a bit neglectful

Get off the internet and clean up your baby....wuuuugh

nah just leave it there and let it collect until it turns into santa's beard

Even worse when you meet the baby for the first time and its yours from some girl you met at TGI Fridays who you never did call back!

yeah but the slut probably convinced someone else it's his, so keep quiet and smile.

i wouldn't recognize her as i never look through the glory hole

Here's another way not to react

Well, you can always say you got zapped by the electrical kettle

gif source

haha i do that at end of my piss sometimes
all guys do
that's why our restrooms can get messy

Must admit, I've never sprayed in my own face.


gotta try it now.

bwahahah kramer is a legend

I love his reactions. They're so dramatic.

When they're so ugly, it's hard to find something nice to say

So you find common ground


and 3 noses and 4 ears

haha one on each nose

Imagine he says the 'ooooh that's your baby?' bit at last. xD

But i'm little gentle than you in such situations.
You are so rude @traf.

haha that's what i say to my wife

diplomatic as darts

They show you their pain.

tell them to forget college fund, and just start a savings plan for plastic surgery

i tell them afterwards yup, you're definitely the father

Oh please. No one can make you gag like I do.


hmm anti gag reflex training
not sure if i'll ever need it

You forgot part #2, When I see the photo of their baby looks like me lol :D


must be one cute baby!

Probably yeah, Coz I am handsome :D@trafalgar,


The baby is so ugly, even your eyes are not sure how to respond

Should I look away or keep looking

Look at my baby..

My reaction..

I bet this gif will deter @steemnsfw since he doesn't like anything that has a gag reflex.

I'm thinking of playing with baby

Lol, oh yeah, so it's not worth reacting, otherwise the reaction of the child can be the same, ha ha ha :D

It does not happen to you that women upload their baby's picture to social networks saying how beautiful they are, and everyone knows that the baby is ugly, but everybody still comment that the baby is very beautiful. my face is like ...

Oh he's your baby I thought he was a baby of a bitch

haaa haaa ist funny
download (5).jpeg

This is so awesome and that cat is really funny. It makes me want to look at it all day long. Thanks for giving me joy. This post makes me smile.

Thanks for sharing:)

Come onnnnn lets dance !!

Nice funny gif.....Your funny post alwats awasome....

The polite response is, "Yes, it certainly is your baby!"

Ugly baby.jpg