
Haha no matter someone comes to kiss me, I will hand shake lol :D


yes, it's how i greet the hookers at the local brothel

This is quite English

Haha me in the toilet itching my ball bag before hand


dude, that dog has no ball bag

He must be married

He didn't wash his either.

ya we just shook by the toilet sink instead of turning on the faucets

This got me laughing hard lol

Evil laughing inside

I don't get why they tell people to be careful when it is cold/flu season. When the fuck isn't it cold/flu season?

Lol, clean ur both hands.. :)

Eyes opening post bro

Hands are dirty especially if not washed coming from the toilet.

Think full matter. thanks for sharing..... such a good idea.

When someone tries to educate me about hygiene.

that interesting feeling lol
giphy (3).gif

Here's a philosophical question for ya Traf.

If you fart underwater does it still smell bad?