When you told your wife you're driving your parents to the airport but then those pictures of you and your friends at the pub start showing up on Facebook
gif from giphy
When you told your wife you're driving your parents to the airport but then those pictures of you and your friends at the pub start showing up on Facebook
gif from giphy
This is clearly a topic that needs more research.
To summarise, state, or advise on this in any other way
could lead to a worse error than the one already committed.
Rule 1 of Fightless Club:
Always Check With The Women First
Rule 2 of Fightless Club: You Better Always Check With The Women First
Rule 3 of Fightless Club: Refer to Rule 1 & 2 With Prejudice
i'm still at the stage where i'm trying to trick them
haven't given up all hope yet
Understandable that stage may last years, sometimes half a life time, I suppose it depends on the depth of your guile and game. Best wishes to you then.
Hey Traf...buddy...just a small caution before you proceed any further
The amount of ball-smashing going on here is without parallel. Hell it would win an Oscar at the annual feminist award if it existed.
May I suggest you sneak into your car before scrolling down. You know...just in case there is someone looking over your shoulders and gets some new ideas to really skewer those great balls of yours.
they've been super skewered anyway
wouldn't matter no more
usually I would offer my condolences ,but if they are so irreparably skewered and you're still standing, maybe it's love, and love goes beyond the surface (and genitalia i suppose)
who knows you might have something wonderful and admirable there
When you're just about to receive your punishment
last attempt to escape
Why do you wanna hurt yourself like that

Let someone else do it

Or you could just retaliate

But I wouldn't advise it
well that anger management book he got for christmas wasn't exactly doing wonders
Then you are in a bad spot. Try reverse psychology and hit yourself and she might leave you alone.
this guy should take up boxing
I learn't after last time this happened to go to the titty bar for drinks, as they don't allow cellphones.
This was me the last time it happened, I'm that rag looking thing getting thrown around
your wife could go easy on the steroids
The way to remedy this is to finally update your Facebook relationship status from "Single" to "In A Relationship". It's been 3 years...
'whipped' should be a status
I simply cannot reply as I do not have an appropriate GIF ;0)
if I'm honest, I prefer a 1 liner reply without a gif
I do too. It's gif city here! I mean I love a good a good gif but this is madness!!! :0)
Almost inserts This is Sparta! gif
I feel the same my fellow Steemian I sincerely do
But then again, I ask myself would I really want to add to the mental & physical abuses already in displayed here
And when I am back to home, the door was closed & while I am sneaking :D
It's also the same response I get when I wanna get some
ppl must be shaking their finger at you 24/7
Not the finger they shake
haha, Exactly and the husband might also get some nice thrashing from wife too.
Oh no, He never knew he will be caught on aware.lol

gif from tenor
I was kicked out of the house for a lie :)
Very very bad man.
hahah but i didnot face this time from my husband and hope it will not come in my life ,,,and wish we have a good happy life alwasy
wy you make this @traf are you cheating with her? but cheating with wife is more bad thing
i think those husbands need this
Wow great post...Loved your funny picture .Thanks for sharing with us...
Great point. Be care. So funny
It's creative funny post
HA HA HA !!!! really interesting post @traf
hahaha i already experience this when i said to my wife that i am going with my boss on a job tour to some compnies abroad but i reall i traveled for a camping on hills for 7 days but unfotunatily one of my friend share the photos on facebook and my elder son seen those photos and that time i recieve a call from my wife and she was angry and that time is really too difficult for me when i hear an order to reach home just in hours other wise she devorced me so i came in home as soon as possible and promissed her to dont reapet this mistke again,,
but she dont believe me now some time when i try to go anywhere ...hope i will not try this mistake again and i advice to all of men will not keep this mistake if we want to save our lives
Never do that..... :O
hahah and after when you come in home

then all husband ready for this man
why you keep this why why why why why why....................................?????
Oops i did it again...
haha my friends are very funny :)
No no nooooo
This is why I'm introducing my new line of sunglasses. All the celebrities are wearing them.
source: http://www.defectiveyeti.com/images/celebs.jpg