
Yeah Traffy, this is the way I am arguing my wife! ( Yeah without a brain we can argue them lol :D )@traf,


yeah we'll try and win their way

Hahahaa 🤣🤣... This truly depict their inner character while you see them frowning and getting set to involve in an argument with you. Like it makes me wonder why ladies so take winning an argument serious.

Lol, when I see such shots to the argument from my wife, I generally move to live for a few days with friends, haha

practicing for when street fighter comes on VR

Haha oh you poor bastard, that gives me a pretty good image of what your ball bag goes through.

After boxing the brain, it will be more quick to act when put back. So get ready to get a knockout traf, this fight will last only 10 seconds

wow ... you need to be vigilant, maybe your wife's energy will be able to defeat you

I'm afraid your wife will throw you through the window when she is angry

Your wife will give up when you are good at playing games in sex.

I also want to practice like that, because I'm afraid my wife throws me out of the room

hahaa your wife's a brute!

it's good practice, I'll try it later after becoming a great boxer