
And just when you think you got us kiddos!



damn, it's like getting hit with a blue show right before the finishing line

That's just good parenting...
In one go you can teach them:

  • How to lose
  • Life isn't fair
  • How to dance awkwardly
  • How to be gracious in defeat
  • To always check the controller before they start


You get bonus points if you teach them to do the Macarena


ya these nephews of mine should learn how much of a loser they're going to be sooner rather than later mwuhaha

You should always give young children a chance to grow their confidence, let them win, don't strive them with failures after losses, help build their self-esteem, that's what we should do as matured adults.

But if they shitting little buggers, best to kick their ass and put them in their place.

The Good Doc - Deviously Teaching Humility One Punk At A Time


easier said than done, they're pretty good at the game

me a sore loser? nah...I just like to win little buddy, and when I play and I don't win, I might just smash your little machine, get it?

oh yeah, and you should not be name calling, that's being a sore loser

nothing wrong with a bit of friendly sore loser ness

Ha ha lol,unlimited danceS4aBisk.gif

He's going to be hung over from all of the beer you gave him. Not cheating or anything...

better to teach them about drinking and driving from a young age

That blue turtle shell is a bitch

it's ok if you're always at the back like me

Lol dude he looks like you hahaha :D@traf,


Src@traf I just can't picture your winning dance as a dancing monkey... I definately can see you as ledgendary Mr. Bean...😂

It's all healthy competition until someone cries.

Until then,remember to give them the time tested traditional Loser Salute.

hahaha these feelings look like as you beat him first time suddenly by luckly in mario karit
otherwise he was beat you in every play
so enjoy your first win @traf

And sure now you will not play with him again beacause you have a big fear to lose your temprarory happines to beat him

but he is finding you here again @traf

Lol, its already unstoppable, this dance of victory ha ha

Beating an 8 year old in a video game is quite an accomplishment these days. Admit it. Did you tie one hand behind his back?

Children are very excited about the technology you can hardly win something in this regard.
so they enjoy their successesHa ha ha, this dance is very funny dear friend @traf.

hahaha its to much funny lolzzzzzz man why u posting this dusgusting type animition :p hahaha

You should put some words in like..

Then grab their mum and dance with her... Later that night really show dominance by taking her to bed and having sex with her. That'll teach your nephew his place


It is not right that you are doing
such indecent acts in public. Wait a
little, I'm calling the police. Lol

There you go. Now that is funny!

ha haa ha

whoop, whoop, call the newspaper, lol

I'm sexy and i know it

LOOL, that was so funny! thanks for the gif :)

hahaha @traf i just cant stop laughing at this meme,,it copied my dances

so beautiful so great

Oh... yes so ...... nice funny, i like this
all the best.....

that's crazy....

Just in case they might ever forget who the champ is.


(Or, in this case, chimp)

Such beautiful moments can be dancing with friends!hands-in-the-pants-monkey-dance-o.gif

Funny movie hehe i remember that... thanks for sharing..

hahah that feeling is like this

hahah i just knock their asses out

hahah can't stop laughing