Sigh, Weinstein had to ruin it for the rest of us: how my secretary is acting lately after the metoo movement
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Sigh, Weinstein had to ruin it for the rest of us: how my secretary is acting lately after the metoo movement
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besides losing relief as part of your company perks, the worst part of #metoo fallout, you work in a highend strip club called "blue balls prevention"
Them Be Big Bouncy Sexy Balls You Have There T
source: imgur
was expect a huge dick to pop out of that flap behind them
flappy dicks are of little use to blue balls
Sorry i had to post this here but pls check out.
I don't understand why she's crying

I'm only trying to be supportive of her cuz she looked stressed
it's good stand up guys like you are there for them
there are so total creeps out there making life hell for these women
Is there a metoo movement for guys?

I'm getting apprehensive about going into the work force
yeah, definitely want metoo for guys
i want some of that action too
Always ask for permission first, you'll be surprised, some surveys have shown that if you randomly ask 1500 women (in 24 hours) if they would be interested to suck on your Clinton, at least 1 would say yes.
disclaimer: you might not last past the shame of the 150 face slaps (10%) or survive the injury from 15 knee to groin attack (1%) before you hit 1500 prospects.
1/1500 isn't too bad, i like those odds
It is also an even 100% chance you'll get std from that 1/1500 that says yes.
source: gify
What do you do to hold yourself back when she teases you like this?
I can imagine it must be really hard.
pussies are always a tease
Even the furry ones?
Traf, this is why they have metoo movements

You can't just go baring yourself in public
gif source
i use my pinky for added realism
That's alright, we're all different which makes life interesting.
In my time, that is what we call a carrot stick.
Visual harassment can be just as bad

It's like mental warfare
would make a good metronome
It would be too distracting, haha.
It never ends. Pretty soon she is going to want "equal pay" for "equal work."
...and a restroom. Woman always want a restroom once or twice a day.
i think you're getting women confused with transgenders
maybe there's no difference where you come from
Where I'm from, we even share restrooms with livestock.
These things come and go. I'm sure you'll be flirting with your new secretary before you know it.
I misunderstood. I thought the #metoo movement was women who hadn't been sexually harassed and were feeling left out. Like in school when they only had room for 5 students to go on a field trip, the teacher asked who wanted to go, and everyone raised their hand and yelled, "Me Too!".
Traf it looks like your secretary is acting the same way your wife does in the bedroom?
Yeah she acted too wild after the metoo movement :D
I think now my secretary sexually harassed me lol :D@traf,
Such a coward
Don't you dare hide behind Weinstein. We all know your secret fantasy
metoo movement without touching her @traf
Thats painful... she has spoilt the game for others out of selfishness
It is better to define every action to avoid disappointment
Traf, it seems my secretary was much more accommodating :))
I wish I worked at the stud farm :))
Your secretary choice is wrong. Mine is horny and angry.

try it for next time
She don't want touch.
Don’t do this again!

You didn’t say “Please!”
In my house i have 3 cat. I spend many time with them.
great funny cat.
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