
When she will know ...You can't hide anywhere.

Gotta eat it whole, melts in your mouth and not in your missing hands

ya, gotta enjoy yourself when you're not offering magical apples to couples are a little minion of evil aren't you.....i gotta scorch / exile / expelled / ban u ask you kindly to leave my backyard as well

Funny joke, should tweet that.

Sometimes stocking is better for eating home easily LOL

Mhisstakes were made, bird lessons were learnt.

no else thinks it's weird that the eggs are bluer than my balls eh?

I did for a brief moment, but then I realized that's how MNMs are supposed to look like.

Reminds me of when someone steals your Traf reply just before you post it.

bah just steal someone else's
that's how we roll around here

dude don't leave Eminem unattended
giphy (17).gif
Gif from giphy

don't mean to sound racist but I honestly can't tell if that's him or just some random white guy

you got me, that's @idikuci

how the fuck you find a pic of my son!!

Damn you DB!

bwahahah...... traffy is whiteboy blind

I steal my children's icecream in the night like that when they are sleeping.

at the same time they're going through your wallet you idiot

Lmao I have a different method of getting thems m and m's. When the bag opens the gloves come off :)


maybe you're thinking of s&m

Yeah she can't eat all at once, but little bit innovation can make it happen :D

This is the true value of being dressed, sneak should understand it from this girl lol :D@traf,



Great idea for stocking to next dinner LOL

Hahahaha....reminds me of how I used to steal my brothers phone once he steps out. I was a game freak and didn't have any other means of playing games unless his phone and then I would go steal it once he steps out like. ...


Lol, the main thing in such a case, the correct calculation, ha ha ha :D

Correct timing is so important. Should not miss opportunities!!!

It doesn't matter to me the owner is there or not
If I want, I get it by using every way

Lol . While someone is distracted, somebody uses the moment :))

It would never work in the USA. Chucky would have probably been shot.

yum youtube nom nom kawaii fart cartoons cartoonhangover bum animation Frederatorblog Happy Sandwich Day Watch Rocket

The Best Fails Of All Time

oh my lawdddd

Over the last couple of weeks, I've decided to get a bit more serious about fitness. Why, I asked myself, do I spend so many hours sweating over the German

5 Some Animals Have Sex For Fun

This snake is only 2 foot long.image_search_1522141211671.gif

Are you sure about that?

U seem to be naturally high bro 😝😋😝😋

. # i need same quality weed...

Fuck my drug dealer 😝😝😝😝


u seem to be a chocolate boy who is allergic to such thing..

Thats why we have milk ... to feeed u :p




haha...i thot u dint knew me..... u know what u r bitch ... huh

i m not talking to u anymore

Nice [email protected] to know you..

The bird is very afraid of its eggs.

excllent post,thanks for sharing

This is not funny this is truth. Snake is thief.

I AM SHOCKED, SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked.

Nice 🐦 you go buddy here is my vote ..follow and upvote i like your content and i always reward back people that follow and comment and upvote.

When he was failing repeatedly What do you do then??
ha ha just funy question@traf

when his food stealing@traf sir

When he could not eat. But you're not giving up

when he can not understand What is happening

it will be so funny when he know he can't hide anywhere

This is the natural rules of our ecosystem...............

animation   1.gifHe was fun with you @traf

Lol, the main thing in such a case, the correct calculation, ha ha ha
animatiom 3.gif