
Lol, when I hear this question from the bartender, I'm ready to leave my girlfriend and not accompany her, just not to pay the bartender today, haha

yeah she'll forgive you if you just say sorry
oh wait, that's jesus

sh********t, you pay your girlfriend????? How does it work?!

Not all attempts to escape are successful..

he's like a moth

In vain I sat in a corner, there is nowhere to run, I'll have to pay

say you need to go to the toilet then run for it

When me and my friends go to restaurant together, that’s always everyone’s reaction when it comes to paying the tab. Whoever starts running first, has the best chance of not paying at all.

the cat is definitely the richest of you all

That's me running to the toilet after I make the mistake of eating at Taco Bell

hate to be the toilet cleaner there

I get all the chicks to pay for my drinks. Oh yeah bro.

yeah of course george clooney

Dude I thought your wife just came in while you are having a drink with your friends lol :D@traf,


Try it with a metal door and they call you "Hulk"

Traf you don't have to pay for water, you know

I thought I'd go unnoticed, but it did not work out ...

LoL traf, run from the bar quickly and for a long time, after such questions :D

Funny :-)

Are you ever brake the door like this? ;)

Thanks for you and most welcome to@traf sir.
I like it this funny post.give me a upvote done sir.
Best of luck...

@bulet07 this you want?


well, one day, shit catches up with you