A lot of guys (not all guys) are messy and don't really care about it. But if he goes out of his way to clean for you, he wants to make a good impression.
"do you have any room for dessert? Can I interest you in a threesome?"
When you think about it, if you tip them for good service, it wouldn't count as prostitution. They were just really prompt in taking my order. Nothing unreasonable about that.
Oh man, 3some means horrible, and I think I have found a nice gif which could express my feeling very well lol :D
Traffy, I like the hot waitress, but not for 3some lol :D@traf,
its just a well hung guy in the bath by himself
@theguruasia this gif shows me all girls are jealous. Wife can bite your snake :)
No means yes #Metoo
good to see you're part of the movement
Also when your friend brags about when he took two strippers into the champagne room.
esp if your gf was one of them
Actually, I am afraid about my wifes reaction. Probably she kills her and fucks me alone LOL
yeah remind me to never come to your swingers parties
Fifty Shades of Grey, more like Fifty shades of fucked up nonsense rolls eyes I should get a medal for just finishing this tripe

hard to tell but the guy might be enjoying it
working on threesome ...
ok, my turn to be in the middle now
haha... i like it... u want to have twice fun then the other too... #intelligent must say...
ab fab quotes

Ha ha funny
A gift that requires us to be hypocritical and have a reaction like this.

Lol, at this moment I will answer "Oh no and no, I'm already sick of such experiments", ha ha ha :D
Lol. I've been waiting for this offer all my life, I wanted to yell YES !!!
But my upbringing .....
And when she discovered you are interested. You quickly do a cover up.

A lot of guys (not all guys) are messy and don't really care about it. But if he goes out of his way to clean for you, he wants to make a good impression.

Haha, after such a question hot waitress, I would say "How dare you offer such a thing, although let's try" LOL
Just make sure the missus doesn't find out or you will be needing to hide
good funny post
Tus patas están bien chucas porque no usaste chancletas. Rough English translation: Your feet are really dirty because you didn't use sandals.

yes...err wear sandals, i guess that's a good lesson for everyone who want clean feet
Anything can run through mind, if there is hotness behind!

Image source
source: https://media.tenor.co/images/2294cb16274fd483c27ccafaa2dce2cd/tenor.gif
"do you have any room for dessert? Can I interest you in a threesome?"
When you think about it, if you tip them for good service, it wouldn't count as prostitution. They were just really prompt in taking my order. Nothing unreasonable about that.
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