
You: Did you upload this to YouTube?
Friend: Not yet.
Action: Kill him

If you wish you can process the same scenario on your wife lol :D@traf,


fights just like in elementary school, my dear watson

Someone : Ok ok wait, i will show you the screen..

Me : Oh sorry she is like her...

that's why i get angry
it's more the embarrassment of what my wife looks like

Haha yeah no one likes a cheater, unless your the cheater ;)


its an intended shortcut in the game lol

Not as bad as seeing your own nudes on your dad's phone

Gif from Giphy

that's why you always gotta be careful to turn the flash off

Are you angry because they see your wife's boobs?

At least your wife doesn't have balls, my wife has.

This is it, that’s why....

And that's why you don't watch porn while tripping on lsd

Lol, when you see your wife in a piquant appearance on someone else's phone, you need to do everything quickly and elegantly, hahaha

he probably thought you changed his wallpaper to a close up of a palm for a moment

Show me those, you pervert

dont mess with this guy

Too late now mate!!

Those fat photo gifs are all over the internet.

This is my first reaction when I saw my wife in a porno with a friend :) Second reaction, I killed a friend :)

hahaha!! the first reaction! lol

Hahaha amazing funny

traf, if you saw your wife in a nude on someone else's phone, you need to immediately destroy the phone, well, the rest for fidelity, LoL

we call it hardware test

Hahahaha. The Kangaroo wants a hug not just to look at the photo


Funny one...hahahaab

Hey wait, je je @traf so your wife gets when she wants to see your phone? do not leave that is personal

When I saw a naked wife on the phone, she said that it was just photoshop and took the phone :) Why does she need photoshop? Haha.

epic thug life lol hahaha