I think this was fake. No one just stands there with a phone recording this. They'd be on the edge trying to help... you'd think... But, maybe there was a shadow of his leg on the train's side.
Hahaha! Really enjoyed seeing your picture. But remember, If the picture was a fan, there could be a danger incident. But I do not think that dangerous accident happened.
But then, if this continues for sometimes (maybe daily) I think he'll actually lose some weight cus of constantly running like that to catch the bus or train.
Err....yeah...i guess he is my dad < shrug >....is dad the guy who shares his cheerios with you?
source: imgur
certainly not my kid then
i'd never share cheerios with anyone
Err....now that you mentioned it....i kinda have to steal his cheerios when he's not looking....wait is it still considered theft when you're family?
Do I Look Asian?....Just Wondering
source: imgur
If people cares your run, this is how they feel :D
i'm not too far from that these days
You mean you become that fat lol dude :D@trafalgar,
He was late for his practice but number 36 made it. It's not gonna be as fun though with only two people
powe rangers, the later years
Not even they could defeat complex carbohydrates
Dad not always bad..look at this brave work..

fucking hell
i commend him but he's an idiot
just grab the baby, leave the pram
and run towards the other side, even if it's a river
I think this was fake. No one just stands there with a phone recording this. They'd be on the edge trying to help... you'd think... But, maybe there was a shadow of his leg on the train's side.
Mate, you have a lot more belief in humanity than I do, clearly.
good eye sexymatty, it's a super impose fake, film students do it all the time for assignments
how dropped the trolley?? Mom?
yeah, this is a stupid joke but I liked it :p
yeah but still cool.
the inner child within me that has abandonment issues identified with it :D
Parents can be very forgetful
Just hope the kids are not affected long term.
This is crazy. Hehehehe...
Even the baby boy is crazy. Such a fearless kid.
Or when you think you're as strong as an NFL linebacker, but the pole just doesn't give a shit
tune in to the next episode of man vs pole
Did he just run into a post?
That's gotta hurt!!
it just came outa nowhere
This is like r/joke where everyone's trying to be funnier than the post.
Maybe he was just distracted and didn't see the pole...
teleported right from the sauna
Or maybe he was originally running away from one
can't really blame him, I see a towel head in the subway, I'd run too.
haha, so funny indeed, i really enjoy watching your funny gif's, thanks for sharing some nice amusement with us.
HE was feeling it!

Lol, this guy needs to be more attentive, but his cat had time for sure, hahaha: D
Hahaha! Really enjoyed seeing your picture. But remember, If the picture was a fan, there could be a danger incident. But I do not think that dangerous accident happened.
He's got the right idea, you know.

Unable to save the balance, he dumped the friend and fell down in the water himself

Mr. Magoo found these accounts are suspicious & can be multi accounts of a single owner. Conclusion is based on last 30 days transactions:
Do you want to feel intense pain? Click here!
Do you really think this is funny? You really disappointed me on this one. It is more than funny, it is hilarious, man :D :D :D
Funny how they turned him into a comic relief 😂😂
But then, if this continues for sometimes (maybe daily) I think he'll actually lose some weight cus of constantly running like that to catch the bus or train.
The exercise is kinda good for him tho 😂
They're yelling, Cmmon! burn some fats, Cmmon!!
Happy Steeming
ha ha ha

Mr. Magoo found these accounts are suspicious & can be multi accounts of a single owner. Conclusion is based on last 30 days transactions:
It's a pity this father
haha, omg that hurts
Anyway, he needs fitness?
I wonder how many miles he intends to run now... Hehehe😀😀😀
😂😂😂That was a good run though hahahah
I think this is a preview for Eagle fans of what is going to happen when they meet the Patriots in the Super Bowl.
LOL...too much of fun.
Thank you and Have a great day.
I nominate that support column for the next NFL draft
Oh it's bad, but fat jokes always get a laugh from me :OD