
Yes, there are some incompatibilities and real regrets, then there are others that makes life's journey more interesting and meaningful.

Whatever happens young people, always keep your sense of humor


That's why there's alcohol


So you can forget your mistakes, even if just for a little while.

Hehe Jackie again!

i handle my alcohol like i handle my weed
not very well



I've got a quick tip for you 🙃


Some people bury their mistakes under the rug, others bury theirs in the backyard

Lol, here's a picture to illustrate the error correction

lol precisely

i'm definitely the latter

Some people just want to get the cookie

Other's end up marrying the cookie :P

hmm the sex would be awkward
kids might look weird too

hahaha @traf i listen many jokes and quotes on married life, that the husband feel a big misktake after marriage, but i dont agree with it that why every one blame wives and laugh on thier married always, and feel tease from married life\

hahaha relections..................
if you want to see reflection i think they are giving some better reflections on first day and she is also on top from all them


lol feels like rugby game is about to start before the wedding

it's a funny meme, but at least raise our standard here in Steemit #funny, don't just 100% plagiarize with zero reference or zero input

if you're just going to crop the picture and not add any comments at least put the link

haha seems about right

Man how do you find these perfectly accurate memes , I'm having trouble :( with my memes

Yeah right and his punchline is always perfect..
I did not get a single good meme for dmania

haha just luck I guess
was writing one liners on twitter before coming here for a while

The truth of the matter is:

True words and wisely chosen, almost every one finds their own unique combination of a working solution.

You poor fool 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Why would you get married 😂😂😂😂😂
Sucks to be you, I don't even have a girlfriend 😂😂😂😂
I'm all alone 😂😂 ... 🤔
Someone marry me 😭😭😭😭

lol someday I will be like this :P

This was the time for your friends to come to your aid....and say:
Y-E-S! I know why not!

gif from giphy

lol this is the time when you really need a best-friend to bail you out

In all seriousness, you are right. Keep your wife happy and she will keep you happy! Both should and will enjoy life together. Each person brings something to the relationship.

Perfectionism is the enemy of happiness. Embrace being perfectly imperfect. Learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself, you’ll be happier. We make mistakes because we are imperfect. Learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself, and keep moving forward.
I've made a huge tiny mistake
unnamed (9).gif

It could be a mistake but this one is the rightest decision ever!


gif from giphy


Explain that 1 more time?

It was a tragic story... They had a forbidden relationship so we did a wedding for them..

haha lovely solution :)

forcing dogs to get married so they stop living in sin.

There is no man here who does not go mistake.

I always heard marriage was give and take. I just didn't realize it meant I give and she takes.

Maybe she yell alot

Why can't you just go for this option

lol another marriage terminator!

hahaha.... that's the best option man

But is this not the way you were dancing on your wedding day?

And I was somewhere laughing at you like

hahah so mean!

Marriage is huge mistake that everybody makes..


@traf hh what did you do in your wedding ?


One rule my fellow men.. Happy wife ... happy life..

But not every meal has to be chaotic to add tension and depth to a story. This awkwardly quiet dinner scene from My Big, Fat Greek Wedding makes a great

i made a mistake please forgive me

That's what awaits me after the wedding :(

I love my bed. I think I wanna marry it.

Is that a mistake?

Nice post beautiful presented and explained. detail oriented with nice funny. thank you for sharing

Our friends can share your mistakes with you. thanks for share your funny post.....i waite your next post......@traf

Whenever i reflect on my school days. I regret few of my actions.

Mistake is always anyway and can often be corrected. We all do sometimes. Though it may come with dire consequences

I realy trusted to this post.we alwayas mistake anyway.

U5dt4PjRouMHriop8dgxGenzHarP4UJ.gifReflecting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @traf

It is a double edged decision! it could be sugary or a nightmare ha..ha!

The one good thing about being dead is the afterwife.

Short, and to the point. Kind of like my marriage.

nice post keep it up i follow you please follow me back and check my work


I know you took this from another post. Don't plagiarize.