
Next time try this out. (I mean tell a girl to hail a cab) lol :D

Nice to see you guys after few days of silence. Traffy I hope you didn't even get a heart attack due to STEEM price drop@traf,


i'd be more reluctant to enter a car that stops for me when I flash them

That's usually mom's job

Everyone stops for her, not just cabs


she's strong with the force

I haven't seen traffic this cold and indifferent since Frogger.

anyone younger than 50 would have said crossy road

could fit a lot of girlfriends in the trunk i guess

I was surprised he didn’t do it this way at first instead having his friends waiting

it's like water skiing but on land

Hahahahahaha 😂😂😂

You all should go home

He already caught a free ride

gif source

how a cartoon character looks when he's hit by a bus

Haha, I often wonder how it would be like if real life was the same as cartoons.

That's when you can tell a pimp has lost control of his ho's.

ya he can earn his own living giving bjs

Google Fake Taxi that's a cab i think you would enjoy driving!

Self-driving cars are going to put fake taxi out of business. Kind of sad. Honest hard-working amateur pornstars, where will they go?

Backroom casting couch is always looking for new talent haha

Sometimes you just have to walk it off
and go hail a cab.

I can imagine him looking at his own hand even while going in the taxi.

next time don't hail a cab, get in the cab.
case 1:

case 2:

make your choice

Don't fucked by cab drivers , fuck them and lead your thug life like this😎 .....

The following are some of the top cab-hailing apps that have been very well received by international travelers:

Watch Hail Cab GIF on Gfycat.

Hailing a cab is impossible


When they will across the road.

Is he trying to call a taxi or is he just bag fingering everyone😂😂😂

Hahaha.funny post.keep it up.

B2F22569-4DA4-48C6-B080-0466F7601945.gifHey @traf no worries, My skull 💀 friend is on his way. He is a few blocks away!

Hahahahahaha 😂😂, the dudes gonna get killed!

whats he actually doing, saying f**k you to every car he sees? bad for him, is he high on something?

the sel knows how to drive the traffic!
@traf, with people like him shocks in the streets are reduced!

Is he traffic police?

funny gif

Hailing the cab home

Gets change instead for looking more like he's doing a street performance.


Hahahahaa accident ....... reply sms girlfriend first. Dear . .hihihi

He finally gives up and asks another minority with a gentler stereotype to get his cab:


Especially if you live in a big city without a car, or had some drinks