They're So Careful Now

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

These days, every time I buy a girl a drink I have to make sure the roofies have well and truly dissolved before handing it over

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I always check my drink like this whenever my wife prepare drinks for me ....may be she pour poison in drink so that she can live with his model boyfriend in my house..

She has reason to check, every thing can happened..

ya you gotta stick to the clear roofies or it's a dead giveaway

... they call it science :>. How'd it work, tho?

Lol this is why Little John made that song shots. You get them amped up then they just slam it down without thinking ;)


just an empty shot glass in front of them with a pill in it

Thank you sir.....

Lol, in such cases, if dissolves poorly, I delete the superfluous, hahaha

hide it in the foam
that's genius!

Thanks for you

Cut out the middle man. Work as a bartender with pre-made bottles.

yeah you should be able to just order it
like on the rocks means roofie it up

The roof
The roof
The roof is on fire...

Behave yourself

ahh, this whole time I thought it was the roofie's on fire

Thanks for you....

Some guy invented a nail paint that changes colour if the drink is spiked

probably the same guy that came up with turning the pool water bright orange when I take a piss
he's always ruining my shit

Thank you sir....

Why are you so worried? Your girls might understand it might not give birth to Baby Traffies!

Anyway, better you clear it before hand it :/


You might think we don’t see, but we do...

But actually no, we don’t!

Take the transparent ones, so she can't see :>

Ill leave this here and see if anyone gets the reference.

Groundhog day!

Lol. I'll buy all the beer, and then I'll decide who will be my girlfriend :)

Date-rape me once shame on you, date-rape me twice shame on me.

Please don't kick the donation bins. They get angry.

Petty is as petty does.

13 Things No One Will Tell You About Getting Pregnant After A Miscarriage, But I Will

Ugh I love them so much they're all perfect

As I've hinted at earlier, it's all about the timing. Even if caffeine makes you jittery and you're leery of being able to nap at all after ingesting it

Fake Tan Tip 5: Dab Vaseline on eyebrows and hair line

The characters of Stahma and Datak Tarr, who play a married couple on Defiance, have not been called bisexual either. But like Lost Girl, they have been.

Ha Ha Ha its really awesome. CHEERS BEER....................

Of course the sacred theatre of the shaman is not understood by many, since they have become totally disconnected from the internal reality of the dream

You are so perfect, I just want to make out with your face.” Without these girls, how would we know that we have friends who love us at 2:30 in the morning?

What excessive gum chewing and what swallowing your gym does to your teeth, mouth, and body.

Unexpectedly roofies worked so fast errrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!

@traf now handle the situation jajajajajajajaja

They also talked a bit about their comeback and 10th year anniversary

To Whoever Don´t Get My Stuff Featured

These days, every time I buy a girl a drink I have to make sure the roofies have well and truly dissolved before handing it over.

wtf ! Traffy you are savage. "These days , every time !!" seriously @traf ??
Raping was so regular, not bad at all. I wish you gonna be a first and most famous porn star in this decentralized platform.
Best of luck


damn Roofie started work already,

now it's time to play with watermelon....................cheers..

The stomach does not grow from BEER, the stomach for BEER!

Hahaha,,, Amazing funny... I appreciate your meme

Hahaha,,, Amazing funny...

lol really funny meme.

Totally lolll....

This is a funny and exciting thing. Seeing that he had eaten vagueness. Hahahah.

Hmm 😐

The Marketer's Holiday GIF Guide

Haaaa Haaaa.....Totally funny meme
i agree

hehe.. what the fuck

Re Modernist

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