The matter may not be clear to everyone, but you have written it very well.
You said the whole thing so beautifully that it can not be imagined.
You can write a lot better, your praise will be reduced.
Please let us know as you write it, hopefully you will give us a lot of great gifts.
Stay tuned, stay with us. Keep it up your job Sir. Thanks For Your Everything.
This is when positive thinking comes in handy.
Think of it like fiber from veggies, it's good for your digestion
hmmm probably just get your intestines in knots as it can get quite curly
That's just kinda nasty
When he pulled the pubes, that's the real reason why humpty went over the wall
I wonder if he had to spit it back out when they tried to put him back together whole again
You are lucky that it is just between your teeth. You have not gone deep enough.
how my dick looked after my wife went down on me once
lol daem...that's some deep throat assist right there!
lol, assist for the deepest throat
yeah that should teach him to be gentle when holding his gf's head next time
She is lucky that this is not my pubic hair otherwise her teeth must be broken.

feel sorry for lois lane
You won't get any pubes giving Pinocchio a nose job

You might get other questionable stuff stuck in your teeth, though
gif source
same surgeon as michael jackson
lol not even a lie!
She should ask Jackie Chan for advise, he used to give tutorials on how to give a good Blow Job before he became a movie star!
missed this disney movie
The disney movie was called crouching tiger hidden penis!
There are a lot of things you should learn from this man, he is the expert of this job.
After the work, there will be nothing in his mouth.
too bad there's no gym for the face
great tinder shot cumkee!
Lol. The girl-dentist explains to her friends how to clean teeth properly.
What do you think? :)
yeah no secret what she uses to floss with
Haha, for sure.
lol @serkagan the girl in the middle forgot to wear her blue checked dentist uniform
Lol, ladies do it so deeply is not worth it, otherwise their smile will fail, ha ha ha :D
damn, all this time i thought they were crack addicts
now i know what the crack is referring to
Haha, lol, they gave themselves out
Haha lmao, when you go to deep for too long you can imitate the tax man.
sounds like something useful to have on your CV
Nature's dental floss. That's why pubic hair is curly, so you don't poke your eye out.
you can use the squished crabs as tooth paste
I will tell you a self defensive mode to protect your throat and protect your teeth from his pubes lol :D
Warning - Girls, never try this out at home, you are dealing with your future lol :D@traf,
Nice trick lol
For me it's absolutely a bad trick lol :D@kartiksingh,
I will definitely try this at home
You are dealing with your future then lol :D@funkylove,
ha ha so interesting @theguruasia
GIrls before going to date are like

Pubes withstanding, here is something for all to enjoy :P
When she sucks like a hoover, and keeps sucking after you explode
you're a twisted know that right?
It is better to have a clean shave whenever you want to go in deep so as to avoid obstructions.
This is always her reaction whenever i go too deep.
Maybe you need to ask her which one she prefered most.
lol ban him from the other end! ban him funky!
Personally, I'd take pubic hair over STD any day

I can always get rid of the hair
Consult your local physician
You have to physically remove the bacteria to get rid of the smelt

now she understood it went too deep.

probably she is about to vomit ;) @traf
source: growmeonlinehehe worthy of 2 thumbs-up
Food In Your Teeth Meme

Every Step For Properly Preparing For Your Summer Brazilian Wax

Lmao verry funny post im enjoying 😂😂😂
Lol , what a stupid boy

She must slap you...
And she starts to hitting her head on wall . Ow..ow..
Why i sucked......
wow so funny post dear ... I appreciate your post . Thank you for sharing . upvote and reestemed .
very upset stuck in the teeth
The matter may not be clear to everyone, but you have written it very well.
You said the whole thing so beautifully that it can not be imagined.
You can write a lot better, your praise will be reduced.
Please let us know as you write it, hopefully you will give us a lot of great gifts.
Stay tuned, stay with us. Keep it up your job Sir. Thanks For Your Everything.