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Your Amnesia Medicine

thanks, forgot to take it

You need to remember you have 2 million dollars in Steem too!

Yeah amnesia medicine

That one guy at Starbucks who didn’t have an order in mind in the previous 25 minutes in line.

when he finally decides he realizes he doesn't have his wallet with him

This is much better than forgot that, you used a condom or not before having the sex with a whore last time :D
Or sending STEEM to Bittrex / Binance without adding the Memo lol :D@traf,


haha logging into your binance and wondering where all your coins are

I think you would make a much different face, if you've forgotten that and remember it suddenly.

Lol just don't walk into the room and do that when the mrs does this. You will earn an express ticket to the couch.


express ticket to the couch of a psychiatrist

No chance to forget this!

When I try to remember where I drank yesterday and how I got home :))

can get a pretty good idea from how angry the wife's face is

This happens to me alot

trying to remember whether i locked the front door

Thanks for you my dear friend

I was trying to remember if I had commented on @traf's account today 😁

It happens all the time

What you feel in a strange place ...

Then you will just turn around and come back 5 minutes later ... aaaand you figured out you forgot it again.


images (13).jpg

Strange, your can't remember face is the same face I make when I have to fart...

but then realize I might have just shit my pants


Almost no difference between fart face and jizz face :>

Lol. When I do not want to work and pretend that I do not understand where I am .

After drinking happened this matter

Just rememeber that men always look for sex. I find a girl in my house everyday but I haven't found yet. I hope you can.

Sucking and kidding on the Internet

In a way it makes you feel like you're a child again, waiting for mama to say you can go outside, I mean by time 11 AM rolls around, I'm often caught

The Girl Next Door

GIF for people who go to work on little sleep

Feel Free To Grab And Use Too If You Like The League

Megan fox, Photobucket

With the feeling of being in peace with oneself that the person who forgives has, and the gratefulness of the cheater, it is possible that a strong bond ...

Wardrobe Malfunction GIF

When people ask about finals you mention that you're sick, and everyone wants a diagnosis. Like do a look like a doctor? Or like I have time to go to a

If you thought Instagram was hip, then you probably haven't heard of VSCO, "an art and technology company empowering people everywhere to create, discover, ...

Oh yes, that's a great 🐦. I like it.

It has happened to me several times.......LOOOL

Wonderful this birds, I like your post.

Please Stop - @rakib786

You just said "i like your","i like your post","like your post" and in your your last 100 comments you used 40 phrases considered to be spam and you made this exact same comment 1 times. You've received 0 flags and you may see more on comments like these. These comments are the reason why your Steem Sincerity API classification scores are Spam: 63.80% and Bot: 2.60%

Please stop making comments like this and read the ways to avoid @pleasestop and earn the support of the community.

Your post is beautiful post Hello, you are very beautiful, you have given me a lot of beautiful posting. My mind is in touch. I do not mean to say that you are my friend


strange but funny lol... hahahaha

Hahaha,,, Amazing funny... I appreciate your meme

7 Space-Themed Music Videos From The '90s & Early 2000s That Are Out Of This World

Do the simple trick of walking back to your previous spot. Works everytime.

Bit, Wii, GIF

Hahahaha very nice funny 😎😎

wow great funny owl and meme

too much funny gif lol

That was how in Porn videos, your friends step mom enter in your room while you are taking shower and say sorry, i don't know why i'm here !
After then you enjoy about 40 minutes long porn video Lol.@traf

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