Things That Could Go Wrong With Tomorrow's Hardfork

in #funny8 years ago

The hardfork will probably go through tomorrow without any problems. This is number 19 after all, which means there were 18 before this one and we are still doing fine. Well better than fine, steemit is kicking ass. But as we live in the world of crypto, who doesn't like some good old fashioned FUD. So here are some ridiculous scenarios that can happen as soon as steemit hardforks tomorrow. Keep in mind that programmers need to manually enter every 1 and 0 when they put in a new code. You might think it is if/then statements but it is really millions and millions of 1s and 0s that programmers manually type. And if there is a 1 that should be a 0, it can be utter chaos.

Your Computer Will Start To Walk And Bug The Shit Out Of You

If they accidentally type 0 on the 147,234th spot instead of a 1, then your computer or laptop that you access your steemit account from will have legs come out of it. If you look carefully at your tower you will see different lines that look like they are for upgrades but those are actually the robotic legs. Think of it like a transformer. When the computer starts to walk, it will follow you around wherever you go (it knows it is you because of your webcam) and play an audio file that says you suck over and over and over. That is all it will do until it runs out of batteries. Also, if they add a 1 to the 540,210 spot, arms will come out of the computer and start poking you as well.

Steemit Sends Out A Signal That Tells Aliens Where We Are, But The Bad Ones

They need to mess up 5 1s and 0s for this to happen so we should be safe but you never know. The hardfork code is close to the code that turns on all the wifi and aims a signal to a planet far away. On this planet are aliens who are not very nice. They go to planet and planet and drop smelling gas that lasts for 5 years. It smells like garbage and skunk. There is no reason for this and it covers the entire planet, so it will be a pretty shitty 5 years if this happens. Let's hope they analysis the code first before they post it.

Your Webcam Takes A Photo Of You And Adds A Mustache

The other thing that can happen, if they start with a 1 instead of a 0 is your webcam will turn on and snap a photo of you. Then they will add a mustache to it, even if you are female and post in on their site. This will fill the feed very quickly. If you don't want this to happen, to be safe, cover your webcam with tape so it can't take your photo. This will work fine, unless they mess up 19 1s and 0s, which will give the camera x-ray vision. Then mustache it is.

Any more incredibly ridiculous scenarios you want to add in the comments?


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer:


Your Webcam Takes A Photo Of You And Adds A Mustache

Now I know where that app is from!

I don't want a mustache, sorry guys, we have to cancel the HF.

HA, that made me laugh.

Happy to be of service :-)

Ah yes, these new-fangled programmers with their 1s and 0s!

In my day, we just had 0s, which we had to input by altering the conductivity of individual components with our tongues!

The youth of today have it so easy!

Replacing a one with the 88th zero will send an automated "booty call" text to your crazy ex at 3 am.

Or your computer could turn into a Fisto from Fallout

Upvote for the Fallout reference. New Vegas if I remember correctly?

yes, New Vegas. I miss Raul

Interesting perspective!

I can't tell if you are sarcastic about the 1's & 0's that are manually entered or not.
Is it possible it would crash, but low enough for people to buy and use it to get steemit power, no?

This is 100% a joke, programmers do not manually put in 1s and 0s.

Not anymore, now we have people to do it for us

Not sure if sarcastic or nah


Oh my, with a misplaced 1 or 0 in my username i could become a senior or senile

You have a way overactive imagination.

I like it.

At least there is still some humor today to go with gnashing of teeth etc...

A moustache?
Great post!